*Personal Checks
Please be sure to write your student ID number on your check. Allow enough time
for payments to reach the college prior to the due date. The college assumes no
responsibility for delays caused by the U.S. Postal Service. Postmarks
will not
honored. Students who fail to pay by their scheduled due date may be dropped
from their classes. All personal checks
be imprinted with the name of the
account holder. Postdated and two-party checks will not be accepted. Students
“account closed”, “refer to maker”, etc., will be assessed a $25 service charge.
Returned checks can be cleared at the campus Business Services Office cashier’s
windowwith amoney order, cashier’s check, credit card, or cash—personal checks
will not be accepted to clear returned checks. Returned checks not paid within 30
days of the date of the NSF notice will be forwarded to our collection agency and
will be subject to all associated collection fees.
When mailing fees, payment should be mailed to:
Reedley College, Business Services Office
995 N. Reed Avenue
Reedley, CA 93654
*Credit Card Payments
Students are encouraged to use,
www.webadvisor.scccd.edu, the online
WebAdvisor’s “Make a Payment” option to pay their enrollment fees by
credit card.
If you are unable to login to the WebAdvisor, please contact the
WebAdvisor Help Desk at (559) 442-8228 to obtain login information. Credit card
payments are also accepted at the Business Services Office’s cashier window or
over the telephone at (559) 638-0342 during normal business hours.
*Credit by Examination Fee
Application for Credit by Examination is available in the Admissions Office located
in the Student Services Building. If the application for the credit by exam is
approved, the student must pay the credit by exam fees to the Business Services
Office, no later than the end of the ninth week of the semester in the amount of
$10 for the first unit plus $5 for each additional unit for each course on credit by
examination (i.e. credit by exam fee for a 4.0 unit class would be $25 plus the $46
per unit enrollment fee* for a total of $209. If California residency has not been
established, non-resident tuition fees will also be added). The receipt for payment
must be presented to the instructor before the examwill be administered. Financial
Aid is NOT available including the Board of Governor’s fee waiver.
*Materials Fee - Selected Courses Only
In accordance with Title V, Section 59404(b) and Title IV, State Center
Community College District may require students to provide certain instructional
and other materials. These may include, but are not limited to, textbooks, tools,
equipment, and special clothing (e.g. uniforms).
Such required materials fees may be:
1. The materials are used in the production of a course-related project
or “end project” that has a continuing value to the student outside
of the classroom setting; or
2. The required materials for use in the class have continuing value to
the student outside the classroom setting.
Students who wish to purchase instructional materials on their own must secure
advance written approval of the instructor and provide such written approval to
the Business Services Office for a waiver of the material fee.
Subject to change without notice per SCCCD Board of Trustees.
*Health Fees
with Board policy, students are required to pay a health fee, regardless of the units
taken. For on-campus classes the health fee is $19 for each semester (fall and spring
terms) and $16 for the summer term. For off-campus and online classes students are
required to pay an $11 health fee each term (fall, spring, and summer). For students
enrolled at both on-campus and off-campus sites, the health fee is charged at the
on-campus rate. On-campus sites include Fresno City College, Reedley College,
Madera Community College Center, and Clovis Community College. This fee is NOT
waived by the Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver. The use of on-campus labs or the
on-campus tutorial center will result in an on-campus health fee.
In accordance with California Educational Code Section 76355, an exemption/
waiver from the health fee is available to the following students:
• Students who depend exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the
teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization.
training program.
The Health Fee Waiver Form is available at the following locations and online:
Oakhurst Community College Center, Admissions and Records Office. The form
must be turned in prior to the start of each semester
*Associated Student Body Fee
Students have the option of purchasing an ASB membership card for $10 for the
academic year which begins each fall term. ASB cardholders receive discount rates
for admission to a number of college activities and may vote in student elections.
For more information, contact the Reedley College Student Activities Office at
(559) 638-0300 ext. 3408 or the Madera Community College Center Office at
(559) 675-4800.
*Parking Fee
Students who choose to use on-campus parking facilities must purchase a State
Center Community College District parking permit for $20 per semester. Permits
for summer session cost $10. Permits may be purchased in the Business Services
Office located in the Student Services Building and the Bookstore. Copies of the
campus parking regulations are available at the Business Services Office, online,
or the Campus Police Department.
Daily permits are available at the lot entrances for $1 each.
Dispensers take quarters only.
Permits must be visible at all times. Students requiring handicap parking should
contact the Disabled Students Programs and Services Office at (559) 638-0332.
Lot A is reserved for the Residence Hall student parking which requires a special
parking permit to be obtained from the Residence Hall.
Lot C is for staff and faculty parking and requires a staff parking permit.