about how
you’re going to cover all of your
college expenses?
Apply for financial aid NOW!
If you are a U.S. citizens and permanent resident submit your FAFSA online at
www.fafsa.gov. Undocumented students can apply for the Dream Act at
Electronic Payments: FAST, SAFE and RELIABLE!
The State Center Community College District is pleased to offer an exciting new student
benefit. You financial aid disbursements can be electronically deposited to your checking or
savings account. Electronic payments will help to ensure that the funds will be delivered to
your account in the fastest, most convenient way possible. No more waiting for the mail!
Log in to WebAdvisor at
www.webadvisor.scccd.edu. Click on “Financial Aid Direct Deposit
Sign-Up” under the Financial Aid menu to enter your financial institution information. If you
have any questions, you may call the Business Services Office at (559) 638-0342.
Learn how to maintain your financial aid eligibility!
Applying for and receiving financial aid is only the first step. If you need financial aid to
reach your educational goals, it is important that you understand the limits on financial aid
and what you need to do to maintain your eligibility!
For more information on the lifetime grant limits, Satisfactory Academic Progress, and tons
of other information to guide you through the financial aid process, check out our all-inclu-
sive guide to financial aid, “Financial Aid Basics: A Practical Guide for Students and Par-
ents,” by logging on to