• The IGETC is a general education program that California Community College students can use to fulfill lower division general education requirements for any CSU or UC campus,
California private colleges/universities, and some out of state colleges/universities.
• The IGETC provides an alternative to the General Education-Breadth requirements for CSU, UC, many California private colleges/universities, and some out of state colleges/
• The IGETC is NOT an admission requirement for the CSU or UC nor does completion of the IGETC guarantee admission to the campus or program of choice.
• All areas of the IGETC must be completed to be certified by the community college and must be completed prior to transfer to a CSU or UC. Students earning an AA-T degree or
AS-T degree are required to have full certification. In some circumstances, a student may make up two missing IGETC course requirements after transferring to a university. See
a counselor regarding the certification process.
• To be certified all courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.
• A grade of “CR” (credit) or “P” (pass) may be used if the grading policy of the community college states that “CR” or “P” is equivalent to a grade of “C” or better. The UC will
allow no more than 14 semester units taken CR/P toward UC eligibility or IGETC. The CSU campuses vary on the number of units they allow. Please check each college’s catalog
or see a counselor for more information.
• Courses may be used only once to satisfy one subject area even if they are listed in more than one subject area.
• Advanced Placement (AP) tests completed with a score of 3, 4, or 5 may be applied to the IGETC. One AP exam may be used to clear only one course requirement. (Example: AP
English Comp and Literature may be used to satisfy ENGL 1A or 1B NOT both). See IGETC Supplemental - Use of AP Exams document.
• All IGETC coursework does not have to be completed at the same college. Courses taken at more than one California Community College may be used to fulfill the IGETC. Note,
however, that courses applicable to IGETC may vary from college to college. Courses completed at other California Community Colleges will be placed on IGETC according to how
they were approved at the college where they were completed.
• Additional information regarding the acceptance of IGETC at specific colleges in each UC is available online at
http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissionsand enter IGETC
in the search box.
• The IGETC is not a good option for students intending to transfer into high unit majors, such as engineering or the sciences, that require extensive lower division preparation.
• Please see a counselor to make sure that the IGETC is appropriate for your use or if you have any other questions regarding the IGETC.
Additional courses may be added to the Reedley College IGETC. An updated IGETC sheet may be obtained from the Counseling Office, Transfer Center, Reedley College website,
or at
www.assist.org.This information is subject to change.
ACCTG = Accounting
AG = Agriculture
AGNR = Agriculture and Natural Resources
ASL = American Sign Language
AS = Animal Science
ANTHRO = Anthropology
ART = Art
ASTRO = Astronomy
AUTOT = Automotive Technology
AMT = Aviation Maintenance Technology
AERO = Aviation Maintenance Technology
FLGHT = Ground and Flight Courses
ASP = Aerospace Studies
BIOL = Biology
BA = Business Administration
CHEM = Chemistry
CHDEV = Child Development
COMM = Communication
CSCI = Computer Science
COTR = Cooperative Work Experience Education
COUN = Counseling
CRIM = Criminology
DA = Dental Assisting
DANCE = Dance
DEVSER = Developmental Services
ECON = Economics
EDUC = Education
ENGR = Engineering
ENGL = English
ESL = English as a Second Language
EH = Environmental Horticulture
ETHNST = Ethnic Studies
FM = Fashion Merchandising
FILM = Film
FN = Foods and Nutrition
FRENCH = French
GEOG = Geography
GEOL = Geology
GERMAN = German
HLTH = Health Science
HIST = History
HONORS = Honors Courses
HS = Human Services
INDST = Individual Study
IT = Industrial Technology
IS = Information Systems
INTDS = Interdisciplinary Studies
JOURN = Journalism
LIBSKL = Library Skills
LITEC = Library Technology
LVN = Licensed Vocational Nursing
LING = Linguistics
MM = Maintenance Mechanic
MFGT = Manufacturing Technology
MKTG = Marketing
MATH = Mathematics
MAG = Mechanized Agriculture
MUS = Music
NR = Natural Resources
NAT = Nursing Assistant Training
OT = Office Technology
PHIL = Philosophy
PHOTO = Photography
PE = Physical Education
PHYS = Physics
PLS = Plant Science
POLSCI = Political Science
PSY = Psychology
RN = Registered Nursing
SCI = Science
SOC = Sociology
SPAN = Spanish
SPST = Special Studies
STAT = Statistics
VESL = Vocational English As A Second
WTD = Water Treatment and Distribution