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Cheating and Plagiarism

Students at Reedley College are entitled to the best education that the college

can make available to them, and they, their instructors, and their fellow students

share the responsibility to ensure that this education is honestly attained. Because

cheating, plagiarism, and collusion in dishonest activities erode the integrity of the

college, each student is expected to exert an entirely honest effort in all academic

endeavors. Academic dishonesty in any form is a very serious offense and will

incur serious consequences.

Cheating is the act or attempted act of taking an examination or performing an



may include, but is not limited to, copying from another’s work, supplying one’s

work to another, giving or receiving copies of examinations without an instructor’s

permission, using or displaying notes or devices inappropriate to the conditions

of the examination, allowing someone other than the officially enrolled student to

represent the student, or failing to disclose research results completely.

Plagiarism is a specific formof cheating: the use of another’swords or ideaswithout

identifying them as such or giving credit to the source. Plagiarism may include, but

is not limited to, failing to provide complete citations and references for all work

that draws on the ideas, words, or work of others, failing to identify contributors to

work done in collaboration, submitting duplicated work to be evaluated in different

courses without the knowledge and consent of the instructors involved, or failing

to observe computer security systems and software copyrights.

Incidents of cheating and plagiarism may result in any of a variety of sanctions

and penalties, which may range from a failing grade on the particular examination,

paper, project, or assignment in question to a failing grade in the course, at the

discretion of the instructor and depending on the severity and frequency of the

incidents. For more information, contact the Vice President of Student Services’

Office or the Vice President of Instruction’s Office.

Drug- and Alcohol-Free Campus

Reedley College is committed to maintaining a drug- and alcohol-free campus. To

that end, the college prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing,

possession, or use of controlled substances (as defined in Schedules I through V of

the Controlled Substances Act {21U.S.C812} and as further defined by Regulations

21 CFR 1308.15 in theworkplace). Behavior which violates this policywill be subject

to disciplinary action in accordancewith campus policies and regulations (BP 5410).

Persons who seek information and/or resolution of alleged violations are directed

to the Vice President of Student Services in the Student Services Building. (559)

638-0300, ext. 3291, or campus police, ext. 3330.

Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act


have concerning access to and release of their educational records. Copies of

District Administration Regulations implementing this act may be obtained from

the Admissions and Records Office. Each student is encouraged to obtain a copy.

The act ensures that the students will have access to their educational records and

that the college will not release their records to anyone, including any parents, who


The law authorizes the release of directory information in the absence of student

objection. Directory information includes: name, address, date and place of birth,

major field of study, current class schedule, participation in activities, dates of

attendance, degrees and awards received, and last institution attended. Objection,

if any, to the release of this informationmay bemade at the time the student applies

for admission or at registration (see Application for Admission p.4, item #31).

Grievance Policy for Students

Any complaint concerning an alleged unauthorized or unjustified act or decision by

any staff member which adversely affects the grades, status, rights, or privileges

of a student is the concern of the Reedley College administration.

A student should see the following people, in the suggested order below, if the

concern is an academic matter:

1. Instructor

2. Dean of Instruction

3. Petition Academic Standards Committee (obtain petition form from

Admissions and Records)

A student should see the following people, in the suggested order below, if the

concern is a non-academic matter:

• If it involves an administrator - immediate supervisor

• If it involves certificated/classified staff - immediate supervisor

• If it involves another student - Vice President of Student Services.


in writing. Grievances regarding non-academic matters are submitted to the Vice


of Student Services Office in the Student Services Building (559) 638-3641, ext.

3291. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome at this step, a petition can

be filed with the Committee for Student Conduct (petition may be obtained at the

Vice President of Student Services Office). Individuals seeking information and/

or resolution of alleged acts of discrimination are directed to contact the Vice

President of Student Services at (559) 638-0300, ext. 3291. The Vice President

of Student Services Office is located in the Student Services Building.

Intellectual Freedom and Responsibility—

Board Policy

Intellectual freedom is to be guarded as a basic right of all citizens in a free society.

To this end, the colleges of the district are committed to free discussion and open

inquiry in the pursuit of truth. It is recognized that freedom to think, to read, to

speak, and to question is necessary to the development of an informed citizenry.

This freedom shall be integral to the philosophy of this district and is guaranteed

to all faculty and students.

Nondiscrimination Statement

Reedley College and all its centers comply with all Federal and state rules

and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis or race, color, national

origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion or age. This holds true

for all students who are interested in participating in educational programs

and/or extracurricular school activities. Harassment of any employee/student

with regard to race, color, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orienta-

tion, religion or age is strictly prohibited. Limited English speaking skills will

not be a barrier at Reedley College to participation in Vocational Education

programs. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may

be directed to the college’s Title IX Officer and/or the Section 504/ADA


Reedley College Title IX Officer/Section 504/ADA Coordinator

Lisa McAndrews

995 N. Reed Ave.

Reedley, CA, 93654

559-638-0300 ext. 3258