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Every State Center Community College District (SCCCD) student is

permitted to use a District-owned computer/network. As a condition of

this use, each student agrees to:

• use the computer/network for educational purposes only and not for

any commercial purpose or financial gain;

• use the computer and software in an ethical manner; this means he/

she will respect the security of the District’s computer system

and will not illegally gain access to any network, hardware or


• not take or copy any copyrighted or patented software or any part of

such software; further, he/she agrees not to install/uninstall any

program or software, including shareware programs, on the


• not use the electronic mail system for any illegal or illicit purpose,

including solicitation; the District reserves the right to monitor all

computer activities on its computers; the student agrees to abide by

the rules of any other computer system that he/she may contact

through the Internet;

• not transmit any communication in which the meaning of the

message or its transmission or distribution would violate any

applicable law or regulation or be offensive to the recipient or

recipients; and

• not search, view or download pornographic material through any


It is understood that information, programs or data a student obtains

from the Internet are used at his/her own risk. He/she is responsible for

any damage caused by malicious programs, commonly known as viruses,

received from the Internet.

Each student is expected to abide by the District’s Acceptable Use Policy


). The District is the sole

determiner of the interpretation and application of the Acceptable Use

Policy. It is understood that if a student violates any of the above rules, he/

she is subject to removal from the computer facility as well as discipline as

a student.

*Student Fees: Enrollment Fee

Each student pays a per unit enrollment fee. The total amount is determined upon

the number of units a student registers for each semester. (E.C. 76300; 5 CCR


California Residents....................... $46 per unit (with no cap)

California residents may apply for a Board of Governors Enrollment Fee Waiver

through the college Financial Aid Office.

Non-Resident Tuition*

Any student that has not established California residency, out-of-state or

international students, must pay a non-resident tuition fee of $235 per unit for fall

and spring classes. In addition, an enrollment fee of $46 will be charged for each

unit taken. (E.C. 76140; 76140.5).

Check with the Admissions and Records Office for details regarding residency

requirements. Call (559) 638-0323.

*Payment of Fees

Fees are due based on when you register in each class.


The Business Office will not drop students for non-payment of fees once the class

begins. Students are responsible for dropping their own classes. See refund policy.


Financial aid is available for eligible students. See the Financial Aid Office

for information.

If you register:

10/20/2015 - 11/20/2015

December 1, 2015

11/21/2015 - After

Same Day You Register


NOTE: Enrollment fees for California residents are subject to change

without notice per the California State Legislature and Governor.

If enrollment fees are raised after you enroll, youwill be notified of the additional

amount that you need to pay.

SPRING 2016* fees are due no later than: