Health Services
Health Services provides unlimited office visits, free TB skin testing, limited lab
work (blood sugar, oxygen saturation, pregnancy tests, etc), some dermatology
services, vision, hearing and scoliosis screening, blood pressure screening,
crutches for loan, suture removal, nutritional counseling, smoking cessation
information, health education and promotionmaterials, and accident insurance
for injuries sustained during school activities. Students needing additional
medical care may be referred to local medical providers for further care at
reasonable costs. Medical insurance information is available to students and
their families. Timely health seminars and wellness activities are sponsored
throughout the year. Confidential, professional counseling is also available to
family issues, and provides a support network for students with more serious
group therapy, psychological testing, a referral network, consultation, guest
speakers, and substance abuse counseling. You can also visit our websites for
information at
www.reedleycollege.edu:Health Services and Psychological
Services can be found under “New&ReturningStudents” the “Student Support
Services.” Explore the interactive
www.ulifeline.org, Student 101 and Koguito
sites for health and mental health questions. Check our websites! Call (559)
638-0328 or e-mail
pat.jackson@reedleycollege.edufor more information.
Pete P. Peters Honors Program
The Honors Program is designed to challenge students with a customized
curriculum and reward their efforts through priority registration, scholarship,
special honors classes, seminars, and field trips. Students who have
demonstrated exceptional academic achievement in high school and plan to
continue their pursuit in college and then at a four-year university are admitted
to Reedley College under the designation “Honors at Entrance,” and those who
successfully complete the program graduate with honors. With instructor
recommendation, students may apply to join the program at a later semester.
A two-year sequence of classes and activities prepares honor students for
transfer to the best four-year institutions. Applications available on theReedley
click on Honors program. The early admission application deadline is February
1, regular admission is March 1, and late applications are considered under
certain circumstances. For more information, call (559) 638-0300 ext. 3150 or
Library - Reedley College
The role of the Reedley College Library is to support the learning experience for
students and instructors. The Library and Learning Resource Center includes
a library, an expanded computer lab, and is the home of the Tutorial Center.
Library materials are available in a variety of formats. The library houses
over 39,000 volumes and is organized according to the Library of Congress
classification system. Bibliographic information can be accessed through the
innovative Online Catalog. The library also subscribes to print periodicals and
7 local and national newspapers. Electronically, students and instructors can
access information from a variety of scholarly Online Databases. The library
supports a collection of over 30,000 electronic books that can be accessed
online. E-books can be located by searching the online catalog. All 27 of the
library’s online databases can be accessed anywhere on campus by clicking
Library Services on the Reedley College main webpage (www.reedleycollege.
edu/library). Most of these databases can also be accessed from home. Please
come to the library for remote instructions. In the library, there are computers
to use for reference and class work. There are also two conference rooms for
students and photocopy machines. Library and computer lab staff are available
all open hours for assistance. Questions are encouraged.
Library - Madera Community College Center
TheMadera Community College Center Library is located in AM-185 and offers
a wide array of resources and services to students, faculty and staff. Sixty-
four computers in the library and its computer lab are available for research
activity, word processing, presentation software, and course specific software
programs. The library collection offers over 7,000 print resources including
books, magazines, journals, and newspapers, as well as an E-book collection
of over 25,000 titles. There is a DVD collection of informational, literary and
Over 20 research databases provide access to reference sources, articles from
academic journals, magazines and newspapers, literary criticism, images, and
more. The databases and E-book collection are accessible on and off campus,
as is the library’s online catalog which allows students and staff to locate and
request items from all our district libraries. Printers and a copy machine offer
color and black and white printing at 25 cents and 10 cents a page respectively
with a copy card. One-on-one reference and research assistance is always
available. Visit our web site at
http://www.maderacenter.com/and click on
Library in the center of the page.
Math Study Center
The STEM grant funded Math Study Center offers specialized drop-in tutoring
to Reedley College students who are enrolled in math courses. The center
provides a math instructor as well as several well-qualified student peer-
tutors to assist visitors with homework exercises and test preparation. The
center has 20 computers and online access available to students with online
math homework. The math center offers workshops on specific math topics
throughout the semester to enhance and augment the math education offered
to students. To use the center, students must enroll in INTDS 300, a non-credit
course. Enrollment forms are available in the center. Through the math center,
students may also enroll in MATH 272, a 0.5 or 1.0 unit math assistance
course. The Math Study Center is a great place to learn, study, and get the
help needed for success in math. Centrally located on campus in FEM 1, the
center is open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday –Thursday, and 9:00 a.m.
to 1:00 p.m. Friday. For more information stop by or call (559) 638-0300, ext.
3158. Email us at
kathleen.landon@reedleycollege.eduor rebecca.reimer@
reedleycollege.edu.Residence Hall
Choosing to live on campus is one of the best ways to adjust to college lifewhile
building a strong network of friends. The new Residence Hall has separate
accommodations for men andwomen. Also, rooms are available and accessible
for students with disabilities. The Residence Hall offers its residents many
events and programs that foster leadership and personal growth. Applications
are available for fall, spring, and summer on the Residence Hall webpage at
www.reedleycollege.edu. Formore information on affordable campus housing,
contact the Residence Hall Office at (559) 638-0300, ext. 3258.
Student Employment
Current job openings from local employers are posted and regularly updated
on RC Student Employment, an online job posting board maintained by the RC
Career Resource Center (CRC). This website can be accessed at
Posted jobs include full-time, part-time and seasonal. Internships and volunteer
opportunities are also listed. For general information, or to post a job, please
call the CRC at (559) 637-2543.