materials, apparel and other articles of interest to the college community.
Additional services offered are year around textbook buyback, online textbook
and merchandise ordering at
mycampushub.com. Cash, Visa, MasterCard,
Discover Card and American Express are accepted with a legal ID. For more
informationaboutthestoresservicespleasecalltheReedleyCollegeor Madera
Community College Center stores at the numbers listed below.
Reedley College Bookstore:
(559) 638-0334
M- Th: 7:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. F: 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Additional hours are added during the first two weeks of the semester. Hours
during the summer months will vary. Please refer to the bookstore’s website for
the summer schedule at
www.reedleycollege.edu. Click on “Student Services”
and then on “Bookstore.”
Madera Community College Center Bookstore:
(559) 675-4837
M- Th: 7:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. F: Closed
Additional hours are added during the first part of the semester. Hours during
the summer months will vary. Please refer to the bookstore’s website for the
summer schedule at
www.maderacenter.com. Click on “Student Services”
and then on “Bookstore.”
Business Services Office
The Business Services Office is responsible for collecting and disbursingmoney
registration fees, the Tiger One card, and the disbursement of financial aid
and payroll checks. The Reedley College Business Services Office is located
in the Student Services Building. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday. Telephone (559) 638-0342, FAX (800) 643-1753. For Madera
and Oakhurst Community College Centers, please direct any Business Services
Office questions to the registration counter.
CalWORKs Program
The California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) is
a program administered by the State of California’s Department of Social
Services which distributes time-limited cash assistance (including Federal
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) funds) to needy families
with children. CalWORKs students are referred to the Reedley College
CalWORKs Program by their Fresno, Tulare, or Madera County case worker.
The Reedley College CalWORKs Program operates as a categorically
funded program under the Student Services Division. The Reedley College
CalWORKs Program helps students become financially self-sufficient by
providing support services to help them achieve their educational goals.
Support Services offered to help students succeed include:
• Intensive Academic & Personal Counseling
• Assistance with Registration and Financial Aid
• Assistance with purchasing required Textbooks
• Funds for Childcare Costs and Transportation
• Work Study (on campus jobs)
• Personal & Professional Development Workshops
• Referrals to on and off campus support services
CalWORKs at Reedley College
The Reedley College CalWORKs Office is located in the Center for Student
Success 2 (across from the Art Center) and it houses CalWORKs counselors
and a Fresno County Department of Social Services (DSS) Job Specialist.
Reedley College CalWORKs Office is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m. Connect with us by calling (559) 637-2504 or on the Reedley
College website under “Special Programs” under the “New and Returning
Students” section.
CalWORKs at the Madera and Oakhurst Centers
of Social Services (DSS) Case Worker. The Madera Center CalWORKs Office
is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The CalWORKs Program
offers services to Oakhurst Community College Center students at theMadera
Communtiy College Center and at the Oakhurst Community College Center by
appointment in OC2 (the Student Services Center). Connect with us by calling
(559) 675-4861 or on the Madera Community College Center website under
“Special Programs” under the “New and Returning Students” section!
Career Resource Center (CRC)
The Reedley College Career Resource Center (CRC) is located in CSS-1, Room
1 and is open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. CRC services
are available free of charge to all Reedley College students. These services
include: career exploration and counseling, online and paper self-assessments,
help with choosing a major, help with interviewing and job search strategies,
access to summer job, full-time, and internship listings, and career-related
programs and workshops. For more information or to make an appointment
with a career counselor, you can select the CRC logo on the eSARS scheduling
page or call (559) 637-2543.
Child Development Center - Reedley College
The Reedley College Child Development Center and Lab School offers a
NAEYC Accredited high quality early care and education program for children
of students and staff members. The center provides three classrooms for
children— Infants (ages 6 weeks to 17 months), Toddlers (ages 18 months - 30
months) and Preschoolers (ages 2 1/2 to 5 1/2). The Center is located on the
north end of campus. Space is limited and waitlist applications to enroll are
accepted throughout the semester. The Reedley College Child Development
Center serves as a teaching, research, and demonstration center to provide
an opportunity for child development students to plan, prepare and teach in
an early childhood setting under the supervision of early childhood instructors.
The Child Development Center observes the semester schedule and is closed
during campus holidays. For enrollment information contact: (559) 638-0300
ext. 3127.
Child Development Center- Madera Community
College Center
The Madera Community College Center Child Development Center and Lab
School offers a NAEYC Accredited high quality preschool early care and
education program for children of students and staff members. The center
has one classroom for children from 3 to 5 years of age. The center is located
on the east side of campus. Space is limited and waitlist applications to enroll
are accepted throughout the semester.