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Students are expected to attend all class meetings for which they are enrolled.

Excessive absencesmay result in the student being dropped fromhis/her class.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that he/she is dropped

from the class. Students who do not attend the first class meeting of

the semester may be dropped by the instructor.

However, to assure no

grade penalty for the course, a program change form must be turned in to the

Admissions Office within the appropriate time frame.

Students on a WAIT


to add the class is obtained.

Instructional Minutes Per Hour and Class

Break Time

For classes lasting longer than 90 minutes on a given day, the instructor must

provide a ten-minute break after the first 100 minutes, and may schedule

additional break time amounting to ten minutes per each additional hour


Application for Graduation/Certificate

of Achievement

Students who are planning to receive their Associate Degree, or a Certificate

of Achievement, must file an application for the degree or the certificate in

the Admissions and Records Office. Students must complete a minimum of

30 units prior to applying for graduation. The deadline to apply for the annual

spring commencement ceremony is March 25, 2016. The application must be

signed by a counselor.

Pass/No-Pass Grading

Most courses are offered on a pass/no-pass grading basis or the traditional

grading basis. This option is not recommended for courses in one’s major. To

change a class to or from the pass/no-pass grading basis, the student must

complete the pass/no-pass line-item on the program change form. Program

change forms are available in the Admissions Office. The deadline to change

a class to/from pass/no-pass grading basis is no later than 30% of the class

length. For full length classes, this is the end of the fifth week of instruction.

Please see the Admissions and Records Office for classes with class lengths

less than 15 weeks for the appropriate deadline.

A maximum of 15 units of baccalaureate level courses may be taken on a pass/

no-pass basis. These units will be allowed toward an A.A. or A.S. degree. Units

taken as pass/no-pass will not be used when determining a student’s grade

point average. Students planning to transfer to a four-year college or university

should be aware of the policy of that institution regarding transferability of

courses with pass/no-pass grading.

Dropping a Class

(Deadline: March 11 for spring 2016 full-term classes)

It is the student’s responsibility to officially drop a class in which

he/she no longer wishes to be enrolled.

The last day to drop a class is

the 50% completion point of the class. The exact date is available from your

class instructor. Courses may not be dropped after this date, unless there are

extenuating circumstances as approved by the Admissions and Records Office

Manager. Any course carried past the ninth week (50% point), will receive

a letter grade.

To withdraw from a class, a student may drop online by logging onto the

WebAdvisor at

and click on the WebAdvisor link.

Check TouchTone dates for dropping by telephone. A student may also complete

a program change form and return it to the Admission Office for processing.

There will be no grade entered on a student’s record for drops occurring prior

to 20% of the course length. A grade of “W” will be entered on the student’s


Graduation Requirements

Graduation requirements for an Associate Degree from Reedley College may

be found in the college catalog, in the Counseling Office and on page 186.

It is the responsibility of the student to consult a counselor regarding the proper

sequence in which courses should be taken to satisfy degree and graduation


Pre- and Co-Requisites

Board Policy 5202(a) permits students to challenge pre- and co-requisites.

Information and forms regarding the prerequisite challenge procedure may

be obtained from the Admissions and Records Office.

Transcript Requests

Students may request transcripts online at

, Online

Forms. All students are entitled to two free lifetime copies of their transcripts;


will be mailed directly to the designated recipient(s). Be sure the name and

address of the recipient(s) is accurate and complete.

Transfer Requirements

With careful planning, a student can complete their freshman and sophomore

course work at Reedley College and be eligible to transfer to a four-year college


the college to which they plan to transfer. It is also recommended that students

work closely with their counselor in order to fulfill transfer requirements to the

college of their choice. Additional transfer information may be found in the

Reedley College catalog or in the Transfer Center.

Final Grade Reports

To view your grades, please log on to WebAdvisor. If you wish to

have your grades mailed, please request your grade report online at

, Online Forms.