Transfer Center
The Transfer Center assists students with the transition from Reedley College
to a baccalaureate level college or university. The center provides a variety
of informational resources for students about the Universities of California,
California State Universities, California private colleges, and many out of state
colleges. Additionally, the Transfer Center sponsors field trips each semester
to visit baccalaureate level colleges within California. The Transfer Center is
located in CSS-1, Room 2.
The Tutorial Center offers free tutoring to all currently enrolled Reedley College
students. Tutoring is available in most classes. A staff of qualified and trained
student tutors assists students with subject comprehension, test preparation,
and study skills development. Students may drop-in for help at any time during
the semester. The center also maintains a large collection of study skills
reference materials for students interested in developing or improving their
study methods. The Tutorial Center is located in the college Library building,
room LRC 111. Call (559) 638-0358 or drop by for more information.
Upward Bound - Reedley College
The Reedley CollegeUpward Bound Programs are highly successful, precollege
school students. Reedley College has two Classic Upward Bound Programs:
PRO and SD, serving 150 students. Students must attend Selma or Dinuba High
School. The general purpose of Upward Bound is to generate excitement and
increase the rates of college enrollment among high school students.
Upward Bound Math and Science - Reedley College
Reedley College’s Upward Bound Math and Science Programs are designed
to strengthen the math and science skills of the students in the program.
Reedley College has two Math and Science Upward Bound Programs serving
125 students. MS1 is for students attending Reedley, Sanger, or Fowler High
Schools and MS2 is for students attending Selma, Dinuba, or Kingsburg High
Schools. The goal of these programs is to help students recognize and develop
their potential to excel in math and science and to encourage them to pursue
post-secondary degrees in math and science fields.
Upward Bound - Madera Community College Center
The Madera Center Upward Bound Program is a highly successful, precollege
program for predominately low-income an first generation college bound high
school students. Student who participate must attend either Madera high
School or Madera South High School. The general purpose of Upward Bound
is to generate excitement and increase the rates of college enrollment among
high school students.
Upward Bound Math and Science - Madera
Community College Center
The Madera Center’s Upward Bound Math and Science Program is designed
to strengthen the math and science skills of the students in the program.
Students who participate must attend Madera High School or Madera South
High School. The goal of the program is to help students recognize and develop
their potential to excel in math and science and to encourage them to pursue
post-secondary degrees in math and science fields.
Veterans Resource Center
The Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is located on the main campus in Reedley.
The goal of the VRC is to provide a welcoming environment for all who visit and
to provide resources to assist veterans, military members, and their families
to adjust, navigate and succeed at Reedley College. The VRC provides student
veterans a place where they can meet other veterans in a comfortable, family
atmosphere and offers a wide array of services to our veterans to help their
academic and personal success as they transition back to civilian life. Services
available in the VRC include:
• Tutoring
• Computers with adaptive software
• Information and assistance in applying for financial aid
and scholarships
• Guidance and referral assistance to support programs
• Veterans Club meetings
• Lounge area
Reedley College is approved by the Department of Veterans Affairs as an
institution of higher learning for veterans and veterans’ dependents who
are entitled to education benefits. Students who believe they are eligible
for education benefits are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Veteran
Education Benefit are available for courses taken at Reedley College, Madera
Community College Center, and Oakhurst Community College Center.
For additional information, go to the Reedley College website
(www.reedleycollege.edu), click on “New and Returning Students,” then
“Veterans Benefits and Services, “ or call (559) 638-0300 ext. 3400.
Writing Center
The Writing Center offers tutorials that specialize in writing across all
disciplines. Center learning assistants receive continuing education on the
processes of writing in order to help students to navigate and negotiate their
writing assignments. The Writing Center offers three options of tutorials: a
student may enroll in English 272 and meet with the same learning assistant
at a designated day and time throughout the semester. A student may attend
25-minute walk-in sessions at their convenience, or submit a paper to our online
tutorial. The Center has 15 computers (enrolled students have free printing)
and a reference library that features grammar, composition, and a variety of
technical writing handbooks. The Writing Center maintains an upbeat and
safe environment for discussing, practicing, and ultimately, learning the skill
of writing. The Writing Center is located in HUM 58. For more information stop
by or call (559) 638-0300, ext. 3619. See our website at www.reedleycollege.
edu/writingcenter for more information and podcasts.