Please consult the college catalog for general information, course descriptions, and requirements for
graduation, general education, certificates and transfer to other institutions. The catalog is available through
the college bookstore and online.
Reedley College is a public two-year college of the State Center Community College District. This institution
does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion or age.
Upon request, the college schedule is available in large print, audio tapes, and Braille in the High Tech Center.
For more information, call (559) 638-0300 ext. 3603 or e-mail the Alternate Media Specialist at:
This class schedule is subject to change without prior notice. Reedley College reserves the right to cancel
scheduled classes due to availability, or for other reasons.
Dr. Bill F. Stewart...................................................................................................Interim Chancellor
Dr. Barbara Hioco..... Interim Vice Chancellor, Educational Services and Institutional Effectiveness
Diane Clerou............................................................................... Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Ed Eng.......................................................................... Vice Chancellor, Administration and Finance
Dr. Sandra Caldwell.................................................................................President, Reedley College
Jan Dekker.................................................................Vice President of Instruction, Reedley College
Dr. Claudia Habib.............................................Vice President of Student Services, Reedley College
Donna Berry......................................... Vice President of Administrative Services, Reedley College
Dr. John Fitzer........................Vice President of Madera and Oakhurst Community College Centers
George Villagrana..............................................Interim Public Information Officer, Reedley College
The Reedley College Class Schedule is an official publication of Reedley College.
SCCCD Board of Trustees: Miguel Arias, Richard M. Caglia, Bobby Kahn, John Leal,
Ronald H. Nishinaka, Eric Payne, Patrick E. Patterson
October 23
Spring 2016 registration begins for continuing students
November 11
Veterans Day holiday (no classes held, campus open)
November 26-27
Thanksgiving Day Holiday (no classes held, campus closed)
December 14-18
Fall 2015 final exams week
January 4
Campus re-opens after Winter Break
January 11
Spring 2016 instruction begins
January 11 - March 11
Spring 2016 short-term classes, first nine weeks
January 18
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day observed (no classes held, campus closed)
January 22
Last day to request an Enrollment Fee Refund
January 29
Last day to add a full-term class for Spring 2016
January 29
Last day to drop a full-term class to avoid a “W” (in person) for Spring 2016
January 31
Last day to drop a full-term class to avoid a “W” (on WebAdvisor) for Spring 2016
February 5
Last day to change a class to/from a Pass/No-Pass grading basis
February 12
Lincoln Day observed (no classes held, campus closed)
February 15
Washington Day observed (no classes held, campus closed)
March 11
Last day to drop a full-term class (in person) (letter grades assigned after this date)
March 14 - May 20
Spring 2016 short-term classes, second nine weeks
March 21-24
Spring Recess (no classes, campus open)
March 25
Deadline to file Intent to Graduate via WebAdvisor
March 25
Spring Holiday observed (no classes, campus closed, classes reconvene March 28)
May 16-20
Spring 2016 final exams week
May 20
End of spring semester/commencement