Matriculation Exemptions
Certain students may be exempt from several components of matriculation
including assessment, orientation, and counseling/advising.
A student may be exempt from participation in assessment if the student meets
the following criteria:
1) The student has submitted evidence (e.g., official grade report
or transcript) which provides verification of satisfactory
completion of the college level prerequisite course; or
2) the student chooses not to participate.
A student may be exempt from participation in orientation and/or counseling/
advising if the student meets two or more of the following criteria:
1) The student chooses not to participate;
2) the student has completed 12 or more transferable units;
3) the student has completed an associate degree or higher;
4) the student has certain educational goals:
a. to maintain a certificate or license;
b. personal development (intellectual, cultural); or
c. to complete credits for a high school diploma or G.E.D.
For a Matriculation Exemption form, contact the Counseling Office or Testing
English/Math Placement Test
After submitting an application for admission, new students should schedule an
appointment or testing date to take the English/Math placement test offered by
Reedley College. The tests are designed to assist students in selecting college
courses that match their current abilities. The placement tests are coordinated by
the Testing Services. Test dates are offered at the main campus in Reedley, as well
as at the Madera Community College Center. A Reedley College placement test
edu, then click on eSARS.
Prerequisite courses must be completed with a “C” (2.0) grade or better prior to
course has any prerequisites. A student may challenge a prerequisite under certain
conditions (see ”Prerequisites challenge procedures” on this page). Contact the
Admissions and Records Office for the prerequisite challenge form and details on
the conditions that apply.
• Students currently enrolled in courses that satisfy a prerequisite will
be allowed to register in the next level course. However if a “C” grade or
better is not achieved, students will be dropped from the higher
level class.
• If you have met prerequisites through the assessment process or by
completion of the required course, you may proceed to use the
online (WebAdvisor) registration system.
• If you believe that you have met the prerequisite through some other
means (e.g. completion of the prerequisite course at another college),
you must see a counselor BEFORE registration to obtain a
prerequisite clearance. You must have your college and/or high
school transcripts on file or in hand prior to seeing your counselor
for prerequisite clearance. Once the prerequisite has been cleared, you
Advising is available to all students. Results from placement tests may be used as
part of the multi-criteria process to assist counselors in determining appropriate
priortoregistration.Astudenteducationalplan (SEP)willbepartiallydevelopedat
this time. The SEP will be reviewed and fully developed during the first semester
of attendance. It is the student’s responsibility to contact their counselor and
schedule an appointment to complete their SEP.
Online advising is also available via the Reedley College website at
www.reedleycollege.edu.Prerequisite Challenge Procedures
A prerequisitechallengerequireswrittendocumentation,explanationofalternative
course work, background or abilities which adequately prepare the student for
the course. A Prerequisite/Corequisite Challenge Form may be obtained from
the Admissions and Records Office, and should be returned to the Admissions
and Records Office. Reasons for filing a prerequisite/corequisite challenge may
include one or more of the following:
1) A prerequisite/corequisite is not available.
2) The prerequisite/corequisite was met at another institution.
3) The student has the documented knowledge or ability to succeed
in the course without meeting the prerequisite.
4) The student believes the prerequisite/corequisite is discriminatory
or being applied in a discriminatory manner
5) The prerequisite is not necessary for success in the course.
Prerequisite challenge requests must be received
to the first day of the
term to which they apply.
Upon completing the prerequisite challenge form, the student may enroll in the
challenge class by presenting this form at registration. If the challenge is not
upheld, the student will be dropped from the class.
Admissions & Records Office
Business Office/Collections
Business Office /Bookstore
Business Office/Cafeteria
BRDRM Business Office/Res. Hall
Business Office/Enrollments
Business Office/Financial Aid
Business Office/Misc.
Business Office/Child Lab
BRLON Business Office/Loan
Business Office/NSF CK
Business Office/Campus Police
Business Office/Library
Dean’s Office
Disabled Students Programs & Services
CALW CalWORKs Office
International Students Office
FCC Counseling
Registration Holds
All holds must be cleared prior to registration.