Student Support Services (SSS) Program
that serves first generation, low-income or disabled students currently enrolled
at Reedley College. The SSS program also fosters an institutional climate
supportive of the success of students who are limited English proficient and
students that are traditionally underrepresented in postsecondary education.
SSS provides high quality programs and services that maintain academic
support and guidance to help Reedley College students meet the challenges
in obtaining an AA/AS degree and/or Certificate of Achievement and transfer.
The goal of the program is to increase academic success including retention,
higher GPA, graduation or certificate completion, and facilitating transfer to a
aid advising and literacy, transfer assistance, priority registration, and lots of
encouragement. The SSS program participants will have the opportunity to
be involved in activities such as semester kick-off events, student success
workshops, college campus tours, and a graduation recognition event. The
program strives to provide extra support and personal attention. Information
and applications for the Student Support Services program are available in
the CSS-1 building behind the bookstore. Contact the SSS program at (559)
638-0300, ext 3526.
Study Abroad
Reedley College students may take advantage of international study programs
offered by the college district. The international programs allow students an
opportunity to study in another country while earning transferable college
credit, as well as enable them to gain a first-hand understanding of other
regions and cultures of the world.
The following programs will be offered 2016:
Cuba - Summer 2016
We will be offering 3 courses for the Study Abroad Program in Cuba in Summer
2016. A student can register for one or more of these classes.
BIOL 3 – Introduction to Life Science. (4 units) Catalog Description: This course
is recommended for the non-biological science and pre-education majors. This
is an introductory course using biological concepts. The organismal structure,
function, inheritance, evolution, and ecology are covered.
BIOL 47 – Field Biology of Cuba (2 units) Catalog Description: Current topics
of biological importance and concern outside the regular biology curriculum or
topics that will be covered in greater depth than in a regularly offered course.
ECON 1A – Principles of Macroeconomics (3 units). Catalog Description: An
This study abroad program in Cubawill provide a rare opportunity to experience
to visit a country that has been inaccessible to United States citizens for many
years. Studentswilllearnfirst-handaboutthebiodiversityinCubathatincludes
3,000 species of endemic plants and animals, and see an economic structure
in the process of change. They will also meet with and learn from individuals
in a variety of careers in Cuba.
Costa Rica - Summer 2016
There will be 2 Registered Nursing courses to be offered together in Costa
Rica summer 2016. They are each 1 unit.
RN 33 – Transcultural Healthcare International. Catalog description: Cultural
and spiritual concepts as they relate to the application of nursing care in an
international setting. Intended for study abroad.
We will learn about different cultures and religions and correlate varying
cultural practices and religious beliefs to the practice of health care while
experiencing first hand a different culture and touring health care facilities in
another country. This course has the same course objectives as RN-33 and
will meet the registered nursing program requirement for RN-33, Transcultural
Healthcare. Acceptance into this course is open, but pre-nursing students
currently in the Registered Nursing lottery will be given first priority.
SSTRN 177 – Culturally Relevant Health Promotion. Catalog description: Short
term field study abroad course to research and participate in basic health
promotion activities relevant to the country and local ethnic groups.
Paris – Summer 2017
There will be 2 courses offered in Paris in Summer 2017. A student can register
for one or both courses.
arts through lectures/discussions covering: a) the way artists communicate
through their choices of visual language, art media and subject matter; b) how
the Visual Elements and Principles of Design contribute to the content and
meaning of artwork; and c) how historical context affects the creation of art
in diverse cultures around the world from the pre-historic age to the present.
ENGL 14 – Folklore (3 units) Catalog Description: Reading and critical analysis
of folklore and folk literature from around the world in literature, film, and the
visual arts, including the cultural and literary roots of folklore and folk literature.
With Paris as the classroom, students will explore how history and culture
influence art and folklore in European and world societies. This study abroad
program will include excursions to many museums and locations important to
art, history, folklore, and culture, including the Musée du Louvre, Notre Dame
Cathedral and Versailles.
Rome, Prague and Krakow – Summer 2017
Two courses will be offered to students wishing to explore Rome, Prague and
Krakow-Auschwitz in the Summer of 2017. Western Civilization from 1648 (3
nation and into two former Communist nations which are rapidly becoming
HIST 2 -Western Civilization from1648 (3 units) Students learn the intellectual,
1648 to the present. This trip presents students with a unique chance to learn
about historical events and figures on the very spot they occurred and lived.
BA 10 - Introduction to Business (3 units) A multidisciplinary survey of the
U.S. business environment including the examination, analysis, reasoning,
advocacy, and critique of how culture, society, economic systems, legal,
international, political, financial, and human behavior interact to affect a
business organization’s policy and practices.
This study abroad provides students a rare first-hand experience of the contrast
between struggling and emerging economies through a business and historical
untouched; and the Auschwitz Death Camp. At each city, students will gain a
perspective of past and present business and economic principles as compared
to that of the U.S. including leadership, marketing, entrepreneurship. We will
also tour Google Prague and the Czech stock exchange.
For more information on these programs, please visit our Study
Abroad webpage at contact
Dr. Margaret Hiebert at (559) 442-4600, ext. 8101 or by e-mail: