- /rcaccreditation/Accreditation_Tech_Plan_Followup_2013/
[To Parent Directory]
12/9/2013 3:51 PM 71428 0. Cover, Table of Contents, Intro.docx
12/9/2013 4:03 PM 85399 1. Activities and Calendar.docx
12/9/2013 9:42 AM 53669 10. Draft Student Experience.docx
12/9/2013 9:32 AM 3653170 11. Feedback Session.pptx
12/9/2013 9:43 AM 54101 12. Revised Student Experience.docx
12/9/2013 9:40 AM 654336 13. Board Survey.doc
12/9/2013 9:37 AM 11317781 14. Board Workshop.pdf
12/9/2013 9:32 AM 29631 14b. Special Board Meeting.docx
12/9/2013 9:42 AM 764182 15. Ellucian Action Plan.pdf
12/9/2013 9:39 AM 2634425 16. Finalize Vision.pdf
12/9/2013 9:39 AM 322678 17. IT Staff Assessment.docx
12/9/2013 9:41 AM 578415 17b. IT Security Review.pdf
12/9/2013 9:31 AM 43620 2. Assessment Key Points.docx
12/9/2013 9:40 AM 500207 3. First Look Presentation.pdf
12/9/2013 9:45 AM 4755968 4. Town hall meetings.ppt
12/9/2013 9:34 AM 3262976 5. Board Presentation.ppt
12/9/2013 9:38 AM 21921 6. Security Audit Progress.docx
12/9/2013 9:37 AM 113280 7. Security Report.pdf
12/9/2013 9:35 AM 64219 8. BOARD MEMO.docx
12/9/2013 9:40 AM 22067 9. Workshop Participant List.docx
12/9/2013 9:44 AM 447446 9b. Tech vision proposal.pptx