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Transfer Information & Requirements

2016-2017 Catalog

Geology (GEOL) 1, 9

German (GERMAN) 1, 2, 3, 4

Health Science (HLTH) 1, 2

History (HIST) 1, 2, 5, 11, 12, 12H, 20, 22

Information Systems (IS) 12, 15, 33, 47, 50A, 50B

Library Skills (LIBSKL) 1

Linguistics (LING) 10, 11

Math (MATH) 4B, 5A, 5B, 6, 10A, 10B, 11, 17, 45

Music (MUS) 12, 16

Philosophy (PHIL) 1, 1C ,1CH, 2, 4, 6, 8

Photography (PHOTO) 1

Physical Education (PE) 2, 6, 7, 8, 12, 12B,

14, 15, 15B, 16, 18, 19, 19B, 29, 36B, 36C, 45, 49, 49A, 71

Physics (PHYS) 2A, 2B, 4A, 4B, 4C, 10

Political Science (POLSCI) 2, 3, 2H, 5, 24

Psychology (PSY) 2, 2H, 5, 16, 25, 38, 45

Science (SCI) 1A

Sociology (SOC) 1A, 1B, 2, 32, 15, 16

Spanish (SPAN) 1, 2, 3, 3NS, 4, 4NS, 15, 16

Statistics (STAT) 7

Notes: A number of courses are cross-referenced (the same

course is listed in more than one area, department, or

discipline) usually with the same course number. Credit

can be earned only once for cross-referenced courses. See the

individual course listings in the “Course Descriptions” section

of the catalog.

Course/unit limitations:

• UC grants limited credit for multiple courses taken

in one discipline; credit is also limited when certain

courses are taken after other courses in

one discipline. See


additional information.

• Independent studies, special studies, and variable

topics courses may be accepted for UC credit;

review of the scope and content of the course

usually occurs after transfer.

• Credit for PE activity courses is limited to 4

semester units; credit for PE theory courses is

limited to 8 semester units.

• Honors Course Credit Limitation. Duplicate

credit will not be awarded for both the honors

and regular versions of a course. Credit will only

be awarded the first course completed with a grade

of “C” or better.

Intersegmental General

Education Transfer Curriculum

(IGETC) to CSU and UC

The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum

is a general education program that California community

college transfer students may use to fulfill lower-division

general education requirements for any California State

University (CSU) or University of California (UC) and many

California private colleges and universities. This curriculum

provides an alternative to the CSU General Education-

Breadth requirements, the UC GE/Breadth requirements,

and many private colleges’ general education requirements.

It is important to note the IGETC is not an admission

requirement, nor does completion of the IGETC guarantee

admission to the campus or program of choice.

The IGETC is most helpful to students who want to keep

their options open—those who know they want to transfer

but have not yet decided upon a particular institution,

campus, or major. Certain students, however, will not

be well served by following the IGETC. Students who

intend to transfer into a major that requires extensive lower

division preparation, such as engineering or the physical

and natural sciences, should concentrate on completing the

many prerequisites for the major that the college evaluates

to determine eligibility for admission. A counselor or a UC/

CSU/private college admissions representative can advise

which path is best. If students choose to follow the IGETC

they must complete it to have if fully certified otherwise they

will be required to satisfy the lower division general education

requirements of the UC/CSU/private college or university.

Some campuses, however, will permit a maximum of two

requirements to be unmet prior to transfer. Completion

is required upon transfer. See a counselor for information

about IGETC.

Additional courses may be added to the Clovis Community

College IGETC. An updated IGETC may be obtained

from the Counseling Office, the Transfer Center, the Clovis

Community College web site, or