Reedley College Physical Education
Department Philosophy: Our department will use a “concepts” approach to health and physical education, answering three (3) questions:
Department Chair: Michael White Dept. Office: 304/ Ext. 3369
Course# PE 19 Weight Training & Aerobics Spring 2009
Instructor: Shirley Festejo Office#: 638-3641, Ext. 3843
Course Objectives:
To improve flexibility, increase strength, and
coordination through weight training and cardiovascular endurance.
Course Prerequisites: None
Required Material(s): Locks and lockers are not required, but recommended. Return locks/lockers at end of semester to avoid a $5.00 service fee. Appropriate attire and footwear must be worn for each activity class.
Disclosure: Report all pre-existing medical conditions to
the instructor before exercising.
Policy: You must participate and apply the
knowledge/skills each class meeting, making “mastery attempts.”
90%participation= A
80% participation=B
70% participation=C
(%of total possible student contact hours per semester.)
Written Tests:
There will be a minimum of two (2) written
Skills Tests:
There will be a minimum of two (2) skills tests.
How Your Final Grade Will Be
Participation = 50%
Written Tests = 25%
Skills Tests= 25%
Drop Policy:18
week courses have a drop deadline of the 9th week. Short-term classes
have a drop deadline of 4.5 weeks. However, you may be dropped by the instructor
at any time after four (4) consecutive unexcused absences, within the first nine
weeks of instruction.
Accommodations for Students With Disabilities: If you have a verified need for an academic accommodation or materials in alternative media (i.e., Braille, large print, electronic text, etc.) per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, please contact me as soon as possible.