Fall Semester,
Instructor: Keith Hughes
Office: F.E.M. #4A
Office Hours: 8:00-10:00 a.m. Tuesday/Thursday
Office Phone: 638-3641 x3496
Class meets for 9-weeks: Monday, August 18-Friday, October 17
Class will not meet : Monday, September 1
Drop Date: Friday, September 5
Pre-Algebra (2nd ed.) by
Course Description: An arithmetic review class structured to cover the basic fundamentals of arithmetic operations. Units taught will include whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and ratios-rates-proportions-percents.
Course Outline: Whole Numbers 7 class periods
TEST #1 Friday, Sept. 5
Fractions 8 class periods
Friday, Sept.
Decimals 4 class periods
Monday, Oct.
Rates, Ratios, Proportions,
3 class periods
TEST #4 (FINAL EXAM) Wednesday, Oct. 15
Required Materials for Class:
1. 3-ring notebook with loose-leaf notebook paper.
2. 5 section dividers for notebook.
3. Package of 5 x 8 notecards.
4. Quality pencils and erasers.
5. “Clicker” pen
6. Set of highlighter pens (4 different colors)
7. 6” ruler
8. Several red ink pens
9. Stapler
Attendance and
Homework and Test Policies:
1. Homework will be assigned every class period.
2. Homework not submitted when due will be recorded as a “0”.
3. Homework submitted late will be evaluated at 25% of the total points possible.
4. The presentation of homework will be neat, organized, and legible. If not, the student will receive no credit.
5. A test will be given at the end of each unit; no make-up exams will be given.
6. The final exam will be given the last day that the class meets.
1. All homework, quizzes, and tests will be assigned a designated number of points.
2. To determine the final grade, each student’s total points will be divided by the total points possible to determine a percentage; the following grading scale will be used:
89-100% =
78-88% =
65-77% =
= D
= F
Special Notes:
1. No cell phones/pagers allowed during class time.
2. Remove baseball caps during class.
3. Remove sunglasses during class.
4. Attitudes detrimental to the learning process will be removed.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: If you have a verified need for an academic accommodation or materials in alternate media (i.e., Braille, large print, electronic text, etc.) per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, please contact the instructor of this course immediately.
Course Objectives: In the process of completing this course, students will:
1. develop an understanding of the base-10 number system
2. practice with and master basic addition and multiplication facts of single digit whole numbers
3. learn and extensively practice and apply the concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of single and multiple digit whole numbers and decimals
4. learn and extensively practice and apply the concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions
5. use ratios to compare two quantities with the same units
6. use rates to compare two quantities with different units
7. set up the four elements of a proportion
8. determine whether a statement is a proportion
9. solve a proportion with an unknown element
10. convert numbers from decimals to fractions to percents
Course Outcomes: Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. apply the four arithmetic operations to problems involving whole numbers
2. apply the four arithmetic operations to problems involving fractions
3. apply the four arithmetic operations to problems involving decimals
4. evaluate whole numbers raised to exponents using the definition of exponents
5. solve arithmetic problems using ratios and proportions