From: Kim Locklin
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 12:31 PM
To: Gail Taylor
Subject: PE 19 Syllabus

RC WT. Training & Aero SYLLABUS

DEPARTMENT PHILOSOPHY:  Our department will use a “concepts” approach

to health and physical education, answering three (3) questions:  Why is health and physical education important to every person?  How to practice healthful activities given individual abilities and interests?  What are the individual’s real needs for lifetime fitness?


INSTRUCTOR: KIM LOCKLIN       OFFICE: 320C        Ext.3565          COURSE #: 55049

COURSE  NAME: PE 19   3:00-3:50                COURSE TITLE:  Wt. Training& Aero


COURSE DESCRIPTION:  This course will be organized based on three basic objectives; why the activity is important; how to perform the activity; and what activity is appropriate for each individual.


COURSE OBJECTIVES: Basic knowledge of muscle groups and application in weight room.  Emphasis upon selectorized weight equipment and safe use of free weights.


REQUIRED MATERIAL:  Locks and lockers are not required but recommended.  Return locks/lockers at end of semester to avoid a $5.00 service fee.  Appropriate attire and footwear must be worn for each activity class.


INJURY/DISCLOSURE:  report all pre-existing medical conditions to the instructor before exercising.  Report all injuries to the instructor.


ATTENDANCE POLICY:  You will sign/answer to a daily attendance sheet before, during or after class.  It will be your responsibility to do this. If you have four or more absences, you will not be able to do any extra credit work.  Class will begin on time!  If you are 15 minutes late, please do not attend my class.  


SKILLS/WRITTEN TESTS:  ***There will be a minimum of 2 tests


Participation: 2 or less=90%, 4=80%, 6=70%, 8=60%, 9 or more=F

Written Tests……..25%       Skills Tests…………25%   =   100%

Points will be calculated as follows: 300-270=A, 269-240=B, 239-210=C, 209-180=D,

179 and below =F


DROP POLICY:  18-week courses have a drop deadline in the 9th week.  Short-term classes have a drop deadline of 4 ½ weeks.  However, you may be dropped by the instructor at any time after three (3) consecutive unexcused absences or any absences in the first week of class.   DROP DEADLINE: 3-10-06

Final Exam Week May 15-19