From: Brian Fonseca
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:44 AM
To: Gail Taylor
Subject: PE 18 Syllabi

SPRING 2006:              PE 18, FLOOR EXERCISES 

CLASS MEETS: T/TH 8-8:50 a.m.

INSTRUCTOR:            B. Fonseca 

OFFICE:                       Men’s Locker Room; ext. 3354; 638-0354                            

OFFICE HOURS:         MW 10-11 A.M.; F 11-Noon


COURSE DESCRIPTION:  This course utilizes low-impact floor exercises to improve muscle tone, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness.  PREREQUISITES: None



*For the student to increase muscular tone, flexibility, endurance, and possibly strength.

*For the student to increase her knowledge of the elements of an effective exercise program; to attain the ability to evaluate and develop an exercise program consisting of muscular endurance, tone, strength, and flexibility

*For the student to work cooperatively with classmates and instructor.

*To enhance the student's interest, and or enhance the student’s interest in developing a plan of lifetime fitness, incorporating techniques and information used in class.

*To expose the student to a variety of exercise and exercise routines.



*Students will have the ability to implement and evaluate an exercise program that will provide them with life-long health benefits.


ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: If you have special verified needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act please notify me immediately (i.e. Braille, large print, electronic text).  In addition, please contact our DSP&S office at 638-0332. Additionally, if you have any other issues that might be affecting your school work, please see me as we have many programs on campus that may be able to assist you.



1.  Be on time. The class will begin at 8:00 a.m.

2.  Dress appropriately. Athletic shoes and athletic or workout apparel;

3.  Be courteous with classmates, other classes, and instructors.

4.  Inform instructor of any preexisting medical conditions.  Report all injures to the instructor!!!  SAFETY IS A MAJOR CONCERN AT ALL TIMES!!

5.  I strongly suggest you bring a water bottle or sports drink.

6.  I strongly urge you to bring a towel for hygiene purposes!!


*Three written assignments, 20 points each

*Three of Four fitness evaluations, 20 points each

*40 Points for participation

*90% and above= A; 80-89% = B; 70-79%= C; 60-69%= D; 59% and below= F.



(All the following are Semester long)


I.           Stretching & Flexibility

a.)     Proper technique;  health benefits;  Pilates & Yoga movements

II.                 Weight Training

a.)     Tone and definition vs. muscle and bulk

b.)    “Circuit” Training

      III.        Cardiovascular Training

                   a.)  Taebo

      IV.        Benefits of an Exercise Program and the integration into Life-Long Activities!



January 16 (M):                       Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday—Campus closed

February 17-20(F-M):            Presidents’ Day Holiday—Campus closed

March 10 (F):                         Nine-week drop deadline for full-length course.  (Letter grades assigned after this date.)

March 21-26:                          Spring recess.  No classes held, however campus is open.

May 15-19:                   Final Exams week.