DEPARTMENT PHILOSOPHY: Our department will use a “concepts” approach
to health and physical education, answering three (3) questions: Why is health and physical education important to every person? How to practice healthful activities given individual abilities and interests? What are the individual’s real needs for lifetime fitness?
DEPARTMENT CHAIR: Michael White DEPT. OFFICE: 305 Ext. 3369 COURSE #: 50663
COURSE NAME: HLTH 1 TTH 11-11:50 COURSE TITLE: Health Education
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to introduce the student to a comprehensive study of personal and community health. This course will also introduce the student to health issues at the local, state and national levels.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: To define, understand, discuss and identify the connections between personal health, behaviors, family background, and environmental issues that affect and impact the overall health and well being of the individual.
REQUIRED MATERIAL(S): TEXT: Core Concepts in Health 9th Edition
TESTING POLICY: There will be six (6) written exams comprised of multiple choice and true/false questions. Each exam will test your knowledge of the information presented in each unit. All exams are mandatory. Your opportunity to make-up an
exam will be left up to the discretion of the instructor
FINAL EXAM: 11-12:50 Tuesday May 17, 2005
HOW YOUR FINAL GRADE WILL BE CALCULATED: Grades will be based on the completion of all six (6) exams worth 50 points each. You will be allowed to drop your lowest test score of the semester. Your grade will be calculated on your top 5 exams worth a total of 250 points. Comprehensive Final Final worth 25 pts.
Grading Scale: A = 250-225 pts. (90%-100%) B = 224-200 pts. (80%-89%)
C = 199-175 pts. (70%-79%) D = 174-150 pts. (60%-69%)
No make up test period! F = below 150 pts.
4 or less Absences can take Extra Credit Final
DROP POLICY: 18-week courses have a drop deadline in the 9th week. Short-term classes have a drop deadline of 4 ½ weeks. However, you may be dropped by the instructor at any time after three (3) consecutive unexcused absences or any absences in the first week of class. DROP DEADLINE: March 11, 2005 ___________________________________________________________________