
66 FALL 2018 CLASS SCHEDULE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CHDEV 1 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF TEACHING YOUNG CHILDREN (3 Units) An examination of the underlying theoretical principles of developmentally appropriate practices applied to programs and environments. These principles include emphasizing the key role of relationships, constructive adult-child interactions, and teaching strategies in supporting physical, social, creative and intellectual development for children. This course includes a review of the historical roots of early childhood programs and the evolution of the professional practices promoting advocacy, ethics and professional identity. ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. (A, CSU) (C-ID ECE 120) Full Term Class Offering(s) CHDEV-1-55001 TTh 8:00am-9:15 CCI 205 N.MARSH CHDEV-1-55002 MWF 11:00am-11:50 CCI 205 S.SWALLOW CHDEV-1-55003 M 6:00pm-8:50 CCI 205 P.ANGEL Online Class Offering(s) CHDEV-1-55000 WEB WEB WEB S.SWALLOW (Students must check their Canvas accounts by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result in a student being dropped from the course. Please email your instructor for more information at richell.swallow@reedleycollege.edu) CHDEV-1-54242 WEB WEB WEB K.MULL (Students must check their Canvas accounts by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result in a student being dropped from the course. Please email your instructor for more information at kendra.mull@reedleycollege.edu) CHDEV 3 INTRODUCTION TO CURRICULUM (3 Units) This course presents an overview of knowledge and skills related to providing appropriate curriculum and environments in early childhood education. Students will examine a teacher’s role in supporting learning and development in young children with an emphasis on the essential role of play. Students will study an overview of content areas including but not limited to: Language and literacy, social and emotional learning, sensory learning, art and creativity, math and science. This course requires verification of measles vaccination and pertussis, freedom of tuberculosis, and verification of flu vaccination within the past 12 months. ADVISORIES: English 1A. (A, CSU) (C-ID ECE 130) Full Term Class Offering(s) CHDEV-3-55013 MW 12:00pm-1:15 CCI 205 S.SWALLOW (Requires 1 arranged hour each week.) CHDEV-3-55014 T 6:00pm-8:50 CCI 205 A.VERBURG (Requires 1 arranged hour each week.) CHDEV 5 PARENT EDUCATION (3 Units) This course examines skills needed for effective parenting and the importance of nurturing young children. This course also addresses the explicit developmental needs of children and the use of effective communication skills. Positive discipline strategies will be explored as well as environmental influences on behavior. ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. (A, CSU) Online Class Offering(s) CHDEV-5-55028 WEB WEB WEB N.MARSH (Students must check their Canvas accounts by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result in a student being dropped from the course. Instructor’s contact information is nancy.marsh@reedleycollege.edu) CHDEV 6 HEALTH, SAFETY AND NUTRITION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (3 Units) This course covers an introduction to the laws, regulations, standards, policies and procedures and early childhood curriculum related to child health, safety and nutrition. Topics include prevention, detection, and management of communicable disease medical issues associated with disabilities and chronic illness physical health mental health and safety for both children and adults collaboration with families and health professionals. Integration of the concepts discussed into planning and program development for children ages 0 to 5 will be emphasized. ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. (A, CSU) (C-ID ECE 220) Full Term Class Offering(s) CHDEV-6-55029 MW 8:00am-9:15 CCI 205 M.DAVIDSON CHDEV-6-55030 Th 6:00pm-8:50 CCI 204 P.ANGEL CHDEV 12 CHILD ABUSE (3 Units) This course will explore the issues related to abused, battered, and neglected children, along with the profile of abusers. Reporting laws and professional responsibilities will be identified. Identification, prevention and treatment of abused children and abusers will be covered. ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. (A, CSU) Full Term Class Offering(s) CHDEV-12-55004 Th 6:00pm-8:50 CCI 205 C.TRINIDAD