
REEDLEY COLLEGE 45 OAKHURST COMMUNITY COLLEGE CENTER SUMMER OAKHURST COMMUNITY COLLEGE CENTER FOUR-WEEK SUMMER SESSION CLASS LISTING (May 21 - June 15, 2018) BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BA 15 INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT (3 Units) This course is an introduction to the primary management functions, including strategic and tactical planning, decision-making, organizational design and systems, leadership, motivation and communication, and internal control systems. ADVISORIES: English 1A. (A, CSU) Online Class Offering(s) BA-15-88956 WEB WEB WEB T.SRINIVASAN (Students must check their Canvas accounts by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result in a student being dropped from the course. Please contact your instructor for more information. Instructor’s contact information is tiru.srinivasan@cloviscollege.edu ) ECONOMICS ECON 1A PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS (3 Units) An introduction to macroeconomic theory and aggregate economic analysis covering market systems, the banking system, international economics, economic policy, national income accounting, unemployment and inflation, and economic growth. PREREQUISITES: Mathematics 201. ADVISORIES: English 125, 126 and Mathematics 103. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) (C-ID ECON 202) Online Class Offering(s) ECON-1A-88453 WEB WEB WEB G.SRINIVASAN (Students must check their Canvas account by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result in a student being dropped from the course. Please contact your instructor for more information. Instructor’s contact information can be found at: www.oakhurstcenter.com ) ECON 1B PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS (3 Units) An introduction to micro economic theory covering the choices of individual economic decision makers, elasticity, scarcity, income distribution, market structure, market failure, production and cost theory, specialization and trade, and the role of the public sector. PREREQUISITES: Mathematics 201. ADVISORIES: English 125, 126, and Mathematics 103. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) (C-ID ECON 201) Online Class Offering(s) ECON-1B-88964 WEB WEB WEB STAFF (Students must check their Canvas accounts by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result in a student being dropped from the course. Please contact your instructor for more information. Instructor’s contact information can be found at: www.oakhurstcenter.com ) INFORMATION SYSTEMS IS 15 COMPUTER CONCEPTS (3 Units) This course provides an introduction to computer and information systems concepts and terminology, an overview of hardware, and software (systems and applications including word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation and programming), the history of the microcomputer, privacy and legal issues, telecommunications (email and Internet), types of information systems and their roles in business, and the systems development life cycle. A grade of “C” or better in this course fulfills the computer familiarity requirement. ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 126 and Mathematics 201. (A, CSU, UC)(C-ID ITIS 120) Online Class Offering(s) IS-15-88016 WEB WEB WEB M.PIPER (Students must check their Canvas accounts by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result in a student being dropped from the course. Please contact your instructor for more information. Instructor’s contact information is michael.piper@scccd.edu ) IS-15-88029 WEB WEB WEB H.HAMMERLING (Students must check their Canvas accounts by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result in a student being dropped from the course. Please contact your instructor for more information. Instructor’s contact information is harry.hammerling@scccd.edu ) DEPT-NO- CODE DAYS TIMES RM# INSTRUCTOR