
REEDLEY COLLEGE 39 MADERA COMMUNITY COLLEGE CENTER SUMMER DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES DEVSER 240 TRANSITION TO COLLEGE FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES (1 Units) This course is designed to assist students in preparing for their initial semester in a community college. The course will focus on exploring career opportunities, student education planning, time management skills, navigating the college campus and utilizing support resources to assist them in successfully achieving their goals. This course is designed for students with disabilities. Hybrid Class Offering(s) DEVSER-240-85846 MT 1:00pm-3:50 AV1 147 C.GONZALES Meets from 07/23 to 08/03 (This is a hybrid class, where there is a carefully planned blend of both traditional classroom instruction and online learning activities. There will be some online class instruction hours and/or requirements that you need to do outside of class.) ECONOMICS ECON 1A PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS (3 Units) An introduction to macroeconomic theory and aggregate economic analysis covering market systems, the banking system, international economics, economic policy, national income accounting, unemployment and inflation, and economic growth. PREREQUISITES: Mathematics 201. ADVISORIES: English 125, 126 and Mathematics 103. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) (C-ID ECON 202) Online Class Offering(s) ECON-1A-86953 WEB WEB WEB STAFF (Students must check their Canvas accounts by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result in a student being dropped from the course. Please contact your instructor for more information. Instructor’s contact information is www.maderacenter.com) ECON 1B PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS (3 Units) An introduction to micro economic theory covering the choices of individual economic decision makers, elasticity, scarcity, income distribution, market structure, market failure, production and cost theory, specialization and trade, and the role of the public sector. PREREQUISITES: Mathematics 201. ADVISORIES: English 125, 126, and Mathematics 103. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) (C-ID ECON 201) Online Class Offering(s) ECON-1B-86960 WEB WEB WEB G.SRINIVASAN (Students must check their Canvas accounts by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result in a student being dropped from the course. Please contact your instructor for more information. Instructor’s contact information is gita.srinivasan@scccd.edu) ENGLISH ENGL 1A READING AND COMPOSITION (4 Units) Students will read, analyze, and compose college-level prose, with emphasis on the expository study writing as a process explore different composing structures and strategies edit and revise their own writing and conduct research (gather, organize, evaluate, integrate, and document information), culminating in a term research paper and annotated bibliography. Students will write a minimum of 6,000 words in formal academic language. PREREQUISITES: English 125 and 126 or English 130 and English 128 or placement through college assessment process. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) (C-ID ENGL 100) ENGL-1A-86404 MTWTh 8:00am-10:50 AV1 148 D.HAUMSCHILT Online Class Offering(s) ENGL-1A-86409 WEB WEB WEB S.LEECH Studentsmust check their Canvas accounts by the first day of the semester. Failure todo somay result in a student beingdropped fromthe course. Please contact your instructor for more information. Instructor’s contact information is stephen.leech@scccd.edu ENGL-1A-86658 WEB WEB WEB S.LEECH Studentsmust check their Canvas accounts by the first day of the semester. Failure todo somay result in a student beingdropped fromthe course. Please contact your instructor for more information. Instructor’s contact information is stephen.leech@scccd.edu ENGL 3 CRITICAL READING AND WRITING (3 Units) A course designed to develop critical thinking, reading, and writing skills beyond the level achieved in English 1A/1AH. The course will focus on the development of logical reasoning and analytical and argumentative writing skills based primarily on works of non-fiction in a variety of media. Students will write a minimum of 6,000 words during the course of the semester. PREREQUISITES: English 1A or 1AH. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) (C-ID ENGL 105) Online Class Offering(s) ENGL-3-86410 WEB WEB WEB G.RAMIREZ (Students must check their Canvas account by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result in a student being dropped from the course. Please contact your instructor for more information. Instructor’s contact information can be found at: www.maderacenter.com)