
REEDLEY COLLEGE 331 Completed In Progress Planned REEDLEY COLLEGE CSU GENERAL EDUCATION 2016-2017 AREA A: English Language Communication and Critical Thinking 9 semester units minimum required with at least one course each from A1, A2, and A3. (“C” or better grade required in A1, A2, and A3) A1: Oral Communication (3 units minimum): COMM 1, 1H, 2, 4, 8, *25 A2: Written Communication (3 units minimum): ENGL 1A, 1AH A3: Critical Thinking (3 units minimum): COMM *25, ENGL 2, 2H, 3, 3H, PHIL 2, 4, 6 AREA B: Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning 9 semester units minimum with at least one course each from B1 and B2 (one course from B1 or B2 to contain a laboratory component, marked by L), and at least one course from B4. (“C” or better grade required in B4) B1: Physical Science (3 units minimum): ASTRO 10(L), CHEM 1A(L), 1B(L), 3A(L), 3B(L), 8, 10(L), 28A, 28B, GEOG 5, 9, GEOL 1(L), 2, 9 (L), 10, PHYS 2A(L), 2B(L), 4A(L), 4B(L), 4C(L), PLS 2, SCI 1A(L) B2: Life Science (3 units minimum): BIOL 1(L), 2(L), 5(L), 10, 11A(L), 11B(L), 20(L), 22(L), 31(L), NR 7, PLS 1 B3: Laboratory Activity: Did you complete a course from B1 or B2 with a lab (marked with L) OR one of the following: BIOL 1 10(L), CHEM 9(L), 29A(L), 29B(L), PLS 1(L), 2(L) B4: Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (3 units minimum): BA 39, CSCI 26, MATH 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 6, 10B, 11, 17, 45, PLS 9, STAT 7 AREA C: Arts and Humanities 9 semester units minimum with at least one course each from C1 and C2, and an additional course from C1 or C2. C1: Arts (3 units minimum): ART 2, 5, 6, 6H, 10, COMM 12, FILM 1, *2A, *2B, MUS 12, 16, PHOTO 1 C2: Humanities (3 units minimum): ASL 1, 2, 3, 4, CHIN 1, 2, ENGL 1B, 1BH, 43A, 43B, 44A, 44B, 46A, 46B, 47, 49, FILM *2A, *2B, FRENCH 1, 2, 3, 4, GERMAN 1, 2, 3, 4, HIST *1, *2, *11, *12, *12H, *20, *22, LING 10, PHIL 1, 1C, 1CH, 1D, SPAN 1, 2, 3, 3NS, 4, 4NS, 15, 16 C1 or C2 (3 units minimum): Complete an additional course from C1 or C2. AREA D: Social Sciences 9 semester units minimum selected from at least two disciplines. (See note below) D0-D9: (9 units minimum) : AG 2, ANTHRO 1, 2, 3, CHDEV *38, *39, COMM 10, CRIM 13, ECON 1A, 1B, ETHNST 5, 32, GEOG 6, 40A, 40B, HIST *1, *2, 5, *11, *12, *12H, *20, *22, 32, JOURN 1, POLSCI 2, 2H, 5, 24, PSY *2, *2H, 5, 16, *38, 45, SOC *1A, 1B, 2 AREA E: Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development 3 semester units minimum E: CHDEV *38, *39, COUN 53, FN 35, HLTH 1, PSY *2, *2H, 25, *38, SOC *1A, 32 Notes: *Courses listed above in more than one location will only be counted one time. After completing one of these courses, see a Counselor to identify which area you intended to use the course so that the course is coded correctly for your CSU GE certification. To graduate from a CSU, a U.S. Government (including California) course (POLSCI 2 or 2H) and a U.S. History course (HIST 11, 12, 12H, or 22) must be completed. Fresno City College (FCC) and Clovis Community College (CCC) courses may satisfy requirements differently than Reedley College courses. See the FCC and CCC CSU General Education requirement sheets for information regarding FCC and CCC courses. Name: ID#: Major: Counselor: Date: Catalog year: