
REEDLEY COLLEGE 321 Italy The Florence Program offered through the FCC Art Department offers students of all majors a unique opportunity to explore art in one of the historic art capitals of Europe. Students will learn to discuss and analyze art and to develop their individual creativity in relation to course content. With Florence as the larger classroom, students will learn historical context, with a particular focus on the Renaissance era, which had its birth in the city. General topics in courses will include learning about the media of art, the visual elements of design, and art terminology. The roles of the artist, the patron, the museum, and the audience in relation to works of art will be another important topic. Please contact Susana Sosa susana.sosa@fresnocitycollege.edu for more information Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic Study in Germany, the Czech Republic, and Austria. Join our course in Music 13or History 2. Explore the setting of the key moments in modern European History beginning in 1648 and the greatest composers in Music history. Some highlights in history will be Napoleon’s defeat at Leipzig, Sigmund Freud’s home town Vienna, and the setting of Hitler’s failed Beerhall Putsch in Munich. Some highlights in music will be museums and homes of Bach, Beethoven, Haydn, Schumann, Mendelssohn, as well as the musical instrument museum in Leipzig. Please contact Brandon Bascom brandon.bascom@fres- nocitycollege.edu and Jennifer Heyne jennifer.heyne@scccd.edu for more information. Formoreinformationonanyoftheseprograms,pleasevisittheSCCCDStudyAbroadwebpage atwww.scccd.eduorcontactDr.MargaretHiebertat(559)442-4600,ext.8101orbye-mail: margaret.hiebert@fresnocitycollege.edu . Testing Services Testing Services provides a variety of testing opportunities to prospective and current students. All tests are administered on the computer. Students are required to have a college student ID number and present a photo ID to verify student’s identity in order to take any test. Testing Services administers the following tests and services for free: ACCUPLACER Placement testing for Reading, Writing, and Math: All students entering Reedley College, the Madera Center Community College Center or the Oakhurst Community College Center for the first time (or after a 3-year absence) must take a placement test prior to registration in order to be advised by a counselor. Placement Test results measure your current skills and provide a reference point to assist students determine the best choice of classes to start their academic career. This is NOT a pass or fail test. ACCUPLACER Placement testing for English as a Second Language: Offered to those students whose native language is not English and are planning on taking one or more of the English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. Computer Familiarity Testing (CFT): Current students are able to take the Computer Familiarity Test. If passed students will fulfill the computer familiarity requirement for an associate degree. The CFT is offered at specific times during the semester. To schedule an appointment to take a test please access Testing Services at www. reedleycollege.edu . Tiger One Card For your convenience, safety and security of funds, the Tiger One Card is available for purchase at the Reedley College Business Services Office for $10. This card is used in the Reedley College Cafeteria, Computer Lab for printing, Library for copies, student body card, and can be used for discounts at local businesses. The Tiger One Card needs to be renewed each school year. For additional details contact the Student Activities Office or Business Services Office. For more information about the Tiger One Card, please call (559) 638-0397 or (559) 638-0342. Transfer Center The Transfer Center assists students with the transition from Reedley College to a baccalaureate level college or university. The center provides a variety of informational resources for students about the Universities of California, California State Universi- ties, California private colleges, and many out of state colleges. The Transfer Center is located in CSS-1, Room 1. Upward Bound - Reedley College The Reedley College Upward Bound Programs are highly successful, precollege programs for predominately low-income and first generation college bound high school students. Reedley College has two Classic Upward Bound Programs: PRO and SD, serving 150 students. Students must attend Selma or Dinuba High School. The general purpose of Upward Bound is to generate excitement and increase the rates of college enrollment among high school students. Upward Bound Math and Science - Reedley College Reedley College’s Upward BoundMath and Science Programs are designed to strengthen the math and science skills of the students in the program. Reedley College has two Math and Science Upward Bound Programs serving 125 students. MS1 is for students attending Reedley, Sanger, or Fowler High Schools and MS2 is for students attending Selma, Dinuba, or Kingsburg High Schools. The goal of these programs is to help students recognize and develop their potential to excel in math and science and to encourage them to pursue post-secondary degrees in math and science fields. Upward Bound - Madera Community College Center The Madera Community College Center Upward Bound Program is a highly successful, precollege program for predominately low-income an first generation college bound high school students. Student who participate must attend either Madera High School or Madera South High School. The general purpose of Upward Bound is to generate excitement and increase the rates of college enrollment among high school students. Upward Bound Math and Science - Madera Community College Center The Madera Center’s Upward BoundMath and Science Program is designed to strength- en the math and science skills of the students in the program. Students who participate must attend Madera High School or Madera South High School. The goal of the program is to help students recognize and develop their potential to excel in math and science and to encourage them to pursue post-secondary degrees in math and science fields.