
REEDLEY COLLEGE 319 Transition to College Program The Transition to College Program is composed of counseling services and a unit course (DEVSER 240). DEVSER 240 is a one unit course designed to assist students with disabilities in preparing for their initial semester in a community college and navigation of the State Center Community College District campuses, resources and accommodations available for students with disabilities. The course is typically offered during the fall semester. For more information please contact the TTC counselor/ coordinator at (559) 638-0332. EOPS/CARE/CAFYES Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) The Reedley College Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS), is a program administered within the Student Services division. EOPS is a state funded “categori- cal” program that provides comprehensive support services to first generation college students who come from low-income and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds. “Over and Above” services are directed at students affected by language, social, and economic inequities. The primary objective of EOPS is to assist, guide, and support eligible students in the pursuit of their educational goals. Specifically to complete a Certificate, AA/AS degree program and/or transfer to a four-year university. Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) The Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) is a supplemental component of EOPS and provides educational support services for students who are the single head of household with children under the age of 14, and are receiving “cash aid” through the county Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Students must first meet EOPS program entry requirements and be enrolled as a full time student prior to participating in the CARE program. Student participants are eligible to receive EOPS support services with additional services exclusive of typical services provided. This includes intrusive counseling services and allowances for educationally related expenditures to assist them in competing their educational goals. Cooperative Agencies Foster Youth Educational Support (CAFYES) NextUp The Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) is a supplemental The Promise Scholars Program is a supplemental component of the EOPS program and is designed to increase the enrollment, retention and transfer of foster youth participating in CAFYES. The Promise Scholars Program assists current and former foster youth transition into the higher education setting. Reedley College is committed to providing these students with comprehensive support services that will support and contribute to a positive learning experience. The goal is to provide students with a sense of community on campus, along with providing access to college programs and resources that can lead to degree attainment and transfer to four-year universities. The Promise Scholars Program expands on the services provided by EOPS to provide foster youth with an enhanced level of academic and financial support. The EOPS/CAFYES/CARE office is located in the Center for Student Success (CSS1-3). Office hours are Monday - Friday 8:00am-5:00pm. The Madera Center EOPS office is located in R2A, Monday-Thursday 8:00am-4:00pm. For more information, please contact (559) 638-0340. Food Services/Cafeteria The Tiger Café provides appetizing food in pleasant surroundings to staff and students. Meals and snacks are available throughout the day. The cafeteria is open 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Hours are subject to changes. Summer hours will vary. For further information call (559) 638-0321. Health Services Health Services provides nursing assessment for ill or injured students. These services include treatment for acute illness, such as ear, nose, and throat infections, urinary tract infections, skin infections, and fungal infections. First aid care, family planning and counseling, pregnancy testing, and blood pressure and diabetes screening are also provided in the health office. Students with a chronic medical condition can make an appointment with the nurse to develop a Health Action Plan in case of an emergency on campus. The tuberculin skin test is available year round and the influenza vaccine is of- fered during the flu season. Hearing and vision tests are available with an appointment. Students needing additional care may be referred to local medical providers for further care at reasonable costs. Medical insurance information is available to students and their families. Timely health seminars and wellness activities are sponsored throughout the year. All health services are covered by the student health fee, and students are encouraged to make an appointment to see the nurse. Visit our website for information at www.reedleycollege.edu : Health Services found under “Student Support Services”. You can call the Health Office to make an appointment at (559) 638-0328 or e-mail the College Nurse at kelly.murguia@reedleycollege.edu for more information. Psychological Services Psychological Services provides confidential, professional counseling services to assist in personal growth, crisis resolution, daily living problems, relationship and family issues, and provides a support network for students with more serious emotional disorders. Services include individual brief therapy, crisis intervention, group therapy, psychological testing, network referral, consultation, and substance abuse counseling. The psychologist is the advisor for Active Minds Club, a student-run club which aims to increase awareness, education, and advocacy for a myriad of mental health topics relevant to the student body. Psychological services hosts events on topics such as suicide prevention, depression, eating disorders, substance abuse, stress reduction, and sleep hygiene. All psychological services are covered by the student health fee, and students should request psychological services in person at the health office. Visit our website for information at www.reedleycollege.edu : Health Services found under “Student Support Services”. You can call the Health Office at (559) 638-0328 or e-mail Dr. Vasquez, Psychological Services Coordinator, at guadalupevasquez@fresnocitycollege. edu for more information. Pete P. Peters Honors Program The Honors Program is designed to challenge students with a research-based, inte- grated curriculum. Their efforts are rewarded through priority registration, scholarships each semester, transfer agreements through Honors Transfer Council of California at top universities, priority admission at UCLA, special honors classes, seminars, the opportunity to present at honors research symposiums, and field trips. Students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement in high school and plan to continue their pursuit in college and then at a four-year university are admitted to Reedley College under the designation “Honors at Entrance,” and those who successfully complete the program graduate with honors. Highly successful returning and continu- ing students seeking additional opportunities are also encouraged to apply. Student take their choice of Honors classes and activities to prepare them for transfer to the best four-year institutions. Applications available on the Reedley College website at http://www.reedleycollege.edu/academics/honors-program/index.html. The priority application deadline is February 1, and late applications are considered under certain circumstances. For more information, call (559) 638-0300 ext. 3150 or e-mail emily. berg@reedleycollege.edu.