
306 SPRING 2019 CLASS SCHEDULE SPAN 3NS SPANISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS (4 Units) First-semester course in Spanish for bilingual or monolingual native speakers designed to develop reading and writing skills. Focuses on expanding vocabulary, improving orthography and use of grammatical structures of standard Spanish, both oral and written. Readings and discussions of topics relating to Hispanic cultures are an essential part of the course. PREREQUISITES: A basic speaking knowledge of Spanish as determined by an oral interview. ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126 or similar skill levels in Spanish as determined by the instructor. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) (C-ID SPAN 220) Full Term Class Offering(s) SPAN-3NS-71502 TTh 11:30am-1:20 AV1 247 G.VEGA SPAN-3NS-71501 TTh 6:00pm-7:50 AV1 247 C.PEREZ-GUTIERREZ STATISTICS STAT 7 ELEMENTARY STATISTICS (4 Units) This course covers the use of probability techniques, hypothesis testing, and predictive techniques to facilitate decision-making. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability and sampling distributions, statistical inference, correlation and linear regression, analysis of variance, chi-square and t-tests, and application of technology for statistical analysis including the interpretation of the relevance of the statistical findings. Applications will use data from a broad range of disciplines. PREREQUISITES: Mathematics 103. ADVISORIES: English 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) (C-ID MATH 110) Full Term Class Offering(s) STAT-7-71524 MWF 8:15am-9:20 AV1 247 B.TAYLOR STAT-7-71554 TTh 1:00pm-2:50 AV1 240 J.CUSAAC (MCCAP) STAT-7-71553 MW 6:00pm-7:50 AV1 246 STAFF