
REEDLEY COLLEGE REEDLEY COLLEGE 19 SUMMER BIOLOGY BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY (4 Units) This course is an introductory human biology course that examines science and societal issues. This course emphasizes the structure of the human body and the functional interrelationships of the body’s systems: integument, circulatory, digestive, respiratory, urinary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, reproductive, and genetics. ADVISORIES: English 1A and Mathematics 201. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) BIOL-5-73586 MTWTh 9:00am-1:15 LFS 17 J.LIN BIOL-5-73588 MTWTh 1:30pm-5:50 LFS 17 K.FERREBEE BIOL 10 INTRODUCTION TO LIFE SCIENCE LECTURE (3 Units) This lecture course is recommended for the non-biological science and pre-education majors. This is an introductory course using biological concepts. The organismal structure, function, inheritance, evolution, and ecology are covered. Not open to students with credit in Biology 3. ADVISORIES: English 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) BIOL-10-73571 MTWTh 9:00am-11:05 LFS 11 A.STRANKMAN Online Class Offering(s) BIOL-10-73569 WEB WEB WEB B.SMITH BUSH (Students must check their Canvas accounts by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result in a student being dropped from the course. Please email your instructor for more information at bethany.bush@reedleycollege.edu ) BIOL 10L INTRODUCTION TO LIFE SCIENCE LAB (1 Unit) This lab course is recommended for the non-biological science and pre-education majors. This is an introductory course using biological concepts. The organismal structure, function, inheritance, evolution, and ecology are covered in this course. Field trips may be required. This course is not open to students with credit for Biology 3. COREQUISITES: Biology 10. ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) BIOL-10L-73572 MTWTh 11:15am-1:20 LFS 11 A.STRANKMAN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BA 5 BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS (3 Units) This course teaches students to prepare business letters, reports, memos, and oral presentations used in a business environment. Emphasis is placed on document organization, using correct grammar, writing to the desired audience, and creating appropriate tone. ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125, 126, and Mathematics 201. (A, CSU) Online Class Offering(s) BA-5-76826 WEB WEB WEB A.SHINN (Students must check their Canvas account by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result in a student being dropped from the course. Please e-mail your instructor for more information at andrew.shinn@reedleycollege.edu .) BA 15 INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT (3 Units) This course is an introduction to the primary management functions, including strategic and tactical planning, decision-making, organizational design and systems, leadership, motivation and communication, and internal control systems. ADVISORIES: English 1A. (A, CSU) Online Class Offering(s) BA-15-76840 WEB WEB WEB A.SHINN (Students must check their Canvas account by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result in a student being dropped from the course. Please e-mail your instructor for more information at andrew.shinn@reedleycollege.edu .) BA 10 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS (3 Units) This is a survey in business course providing a multidisciplinary examination of how culture, society, economic systems, legal, international, political, financial institutions, and human behavior interact to affect a business organization’s policy and practices within the U.S. and a global society. This course examines how these influences impact the primary areas of business including: organizational structure and design leadership, human resource management and organized labor practices marketing organizational communication technology entrepreneurship legal, accounting and financial practices the stock and securities market and therefore, affect a business’ ability to achieve its organizational goals. ADVISORIES: English 1A and Mathematics 201. (A, CSU, UC) (C-ID BUS 110) Online Class Offering(s) BA-10-76839 WEB WEB WEB R.NASALROAD (Students must check their Canvas account by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result in a student being dropped from the course. Please e-mail your instructor for more information at eric.nasalroad@reedleycollege.edu. )