Reedley College Catalog 2018-19

7 Introduction 2018-2019 Catalog Introduction Mission Reedley College motivates and empowers students to be successful by providing high-quality, innovative educational opportunities. We inspire a passion for learning to meet the academic and workforce goals of our diverse communities. Our associate degree programs, career technical education, transfer level, and basic skills courses are offered in an accessible and safe learning environment. STUDENT SUCCESS We are committed to students’ intellectual empowerment and the development of critical thinking. We are committed to support our students in their pursuit of individual academic, career, and personal goals. INTEGRITY We are accountable and transparent, and we adhere to the highest professional standards. (from district strategic plan) STEWARDSHIP We are committed to the enhancement, preservation, conservation, and effective utilization of our resources. (from district strategic plan) INCLUSIVITY We are committed to and intentional in creating an environment that cultivates, embraces and celebrates diversity. (from district strategic plan) COLLABORATION We are committed to fostering a spirit of teamwork with our students, faculty, classified professionals, and administrators while expanding our partnerships with education, industry, and our communities. Vision As an exemplary educational institution, Reedley College cultivates professional, well prepared individuals who will enrich our ever changing local, regional, and global communities. Wildly Important Goal In spring 2014, the college (including faculty, classified staff and administrators) came together to create a single sentence that summarizes what we do as a college. As a community, the college worked together to blend multiple initial statements into the following wildly important goal: “We motivate and inspire students to succeed.” Vision 2025 To focus the college on future possibilities and then to more closely connect planning and the attainment of those possibilities, in fall 2014, college faculty, classified staff and administrators convened to create a Vision for the college in the year 2025. These elements then informed the creation of the college’s Educational Master Plan, covering the years 2015-2025. In order to make Reedley College a premier community college by 2025, the themes of Vision 2025 are: 1. providing excellence in instruction 2. leading in student success and completion 3. working toward the accreditation of Madera Community College 4. building and maintaining modern facilities 5. engaging in collaborative and integrated planning 6. establishing environments for community engagement and cultural activities Institutional Learning Outcomes Students are expected to develop the following knowledge, skills, and abilities as a result of their overall experience at Reedley College. COMMUNICATION SKILLS • Interpret various types of written, visual, and verbal information. • Organize ideas and communicate precisely and clearly to express complex thoughts both orally and in writing. CRITICAL THINKING AND INFORMATION LITERACY • Analyze quantitative information and apply scientific methodologies. • Employ critical and creative modes of inquiry to solve problems, explore alternatives, and make decisions. • Synthesize researched information obtained from accurate, credible, and relevant sources to support, advance, or rebut an opinion. GLOBAL AND COMMUNITY LITERACY • Analyze the fine arts, humanities, and social sciences from cultural, historic, and aesthetic perspectives. • Apply historical and contemporary issues and events to civic and social responsibility. • Demonstrate sensitive and respectful treatment of a variety of ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds.