Reedley College Catalog 2018-19

46 Administrative Policies 2018-2019 Catalog Administrative Policies Student Conduct Standards Students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner whenever they are on campus or representing the college in any activity. Specific rules and regulations have been established in Board Policy 5500. A copy of this policy is available in the college library, the Admissions Office, the Vice President of Student Services’ office, the Student Activities Office, and Office of Instruction. Conduct standards are designed to perpetuate the college’s educational purposes, allowing students to enjoy the right of freedom to learn. Failure to adhere to the accepted standards will result in disciplinary action. STATE CENTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT (SCCCD) POLICY STATEMENT Once a student enrolls in courses on a campus of the State Center Community College District, that individual accepts both the rights and responsibilities associated with that enrollment. The State Center Community College District exists to educate individuals in our community. All other considerations are secondary. The district will not infringe on anyone’s constitutional rights and the right to dissent and to protest will be supported. However, the right to dissent and to protest must not be construed as a right to disrupt operation of the institution. No individual or group can be permitted to infringe on the rights of others to secure an education. These conduct standards, and Administrative Regulation 5520 which defines discipline procedures, apply to all students who are enrolled in courses offered by either college of the State Center Community College District. Any student will be subject to discipline who, in any way: 1. prevents other students from pursuing their authorized curricular or co-curricular interests; 2. interferes with or disrupts faculty and administrators who are fulfilling their professional responsibilities; 3. prevents classified employees from fulfilling their prescribed duties; 4. disrupts presentations by authorized guests; or 5. deliberately endangers the safety of persons, or the security of college property. STUDENT ASSEMBLY In accordance with state law, the district recognizes the right of peaceful assembly and will make facilities available for recognized staff and student groups when such assembly does not obstruct free movement of persons about the campus, the normal use of classroom buildings and facilities, and normal operations of the college or the instructional program, and when it does not jeopardize the safety of persons, lead to the destruction of property, or violate the laws of the district, state or nation. Persons who are not members of the student body or the college and who violate this policy shall be subject to the control of public authorities. EXERCISE OF FREE EXPRESSION In stating its policy on the distribution of materials, the governing board of this district has assumed that each student is responsible for his/her actions individually, even when acting as a member of an organization, and that no student, by following district or college policies, regulations or procedures, escapes individual responsibility for observing laws relating to such matters as libel, copyright violation, and obscenity. Bulletins, circulars, publications, or articles of any character prepared by a student currently enrolled in an institution of this district, or by a campus organization officially recognized by a college of this district may be distributed on a college campus of this district only when such distribution is in accordance with established regulations. With the exception of publications and materials sold or circulated by offices or agencies of this district and of district colleges, all publications and materials to be circulated on campuses of the district shall be subject to the foregoing policy provisions. This policy is not intended to limit the use of sectarian, partisan, or denominational materials for legitimate library and classroom use. STUDENT PROTESTS AND DEMONSTRATION The students, faculty, and administration of the community college district are expected to respect the rights of the minority just as much as they respect those of the majority. Every individual, operating within the law, is guaranteed the basic freedoms. Students may participate in demonstrations or protests as long as they do not interfere with the main job of the college - education.