Reedley College Catalog 2018-19

264 Special Areas of Study 2018-2019 Catalog Special Areas of Study Developmental Education Programs/ Basic Skills PURPOSE The Developmental Education Program is designed to prepare students for degree credit instruction. The program is recommended for students who are assessed as not meeting the skills requisites for Math 201 or English 125 or 126. It is not recommended for students who are learning English as a second language or who have identified learning disabilities. Courses in this program are numbered 200-299. Initial placement into the Developmental Education Program depends upon English and mathematics placement assessment results. Other courses in the program are then recommended according to student needs and interests. The English and math placement assessment process is administered by the Assessment Center. Call 638-0300 ext. 3366 for dates and times. DESCRIPTION There are five kinds of courses in the program to prepare students for college-level instruction: 1. English written expression 2. Reading 3. Mathematics 4. Exploratory courses which reinforce reading and writing skill development 5. Other courses that help students learn successfully. There are two levels of instruction in both the reading and writing areas, a basic level and an improvement level. The particular courses a student takes depend upon the individual’s needs as revealed in the college’s assessment process. English 130 or 252 or English as a Second Language 225Wmay be used to establish eligibility for English 125, while English 262 or English as Second Language 226R may be used to establish eligibility for English 126. CREDITS/UNITS Course credits earned in the program do not count for the associate degree but do count for determining full- or part-time student status (i.e., workload credit). ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) The ESL program is designed for students whose native language is not English. The program assists students to acquire the necessary English language skills to succeed in AA/AS degree programs, vocational programs and university transfer courses offered at Reedley College. PLACEMENT Initial placement in ESL course offerings is the result of language testing and other criteria. This test is administered by the Assessment Center at the same time as the English Placement Test. Please call 638-0300, ext. 3366 for dates and times. ASSESSMENT It is highly recommended that students planning to take an English class, a math class or a class that has an English or math prerequisite take an English/math placement test prior to registration if they have not met the class prerequisite by other means. This test is administered through the Assessment Center. A schedule of testing times and dates is established at the beginning of each month. Please contact the Assessment Center at 638-0300, ext. 3366 for dates, times and locations. Test scores are used for counseling purposes and to assist with correctly advising students’ class placement. These tests are not entrance examinations, and the results will not prevent any prospective student from admission to the college or from enrolling in any course. If possible, the placement tests should be completed well before registering for classes so that courses can be approved by a counselor on the registration form. After a student takes the placement test, the student will discuss the test results and answers to the assessment survey with a counselor. If the student thinks the student may discuss this with the counselor. A student may decide to retake the test or make a course selection based on the total assessment with the counselor.