
65 Associate Degree and Certificate Programs 2017-2018 Catalog Liberal Arts & Sciences: Arts & Humanities R.5120.AA AA Fine Arts & Social Science 120 Liberal Arts & Sciences: Natural Sciences R.5130.AA AA Science 120 Liberal Studies R.5890.AA AA Counseling 121 Licensed Vocational Nursing R.4530.AS AS Health Sciences 127 Licensed Vocational Nursing R.4530.CA CA Health Sciences 128 LVN-RN R.4520.AS AS Health Sciences 128 LVN-RN R.4520.CA CA Health Sciences 129 Machine Tool Technology R.838A.AS AS Industrial Technology 122 Machinist R.838A.CA CA Industrial Technology 123 Maintenance Mechanic R.8390.CN CN Industrial Technology 122 Management R.2180.AS AS Business 97 Managerial Assistant R.2180.CA CA Business 97 Manufacturing Maintenance Mechanic R.8390.AS AS Industrial Technology 123 Manufacturing Maintenance Mechanic R.8391.CA CA Industrial Technology 123 Mathematics R.6200.AS AS Math, Computer Science & Engineering 124 Mathematics R.6200.AS- T AS-T Math, Computer Science & Engineering 77 Mechanized Agriculture R.8180.AS AS Agriculture & Natural Resources 126 Mechanized Agriculture R.8180.CA CA Agriculture & Natural Resources 126 Medical Administrative Assistant R.2023.AS AS Business 131 Medical Administrative Assistant R.2023.CA CA Business 131 Medium Heavy Duty Truck Service and Repair R.8183.CA CA Agriculture & Natural Resources 126 Music R.5830.AA- T AA-T Fine Arts & Social Science 78 Music -- Instrumental R.5810.AA AA Fine Arts & Social Science 127 Music -- Vocal R.5820.AA AA Fine Arts & Social Science 127 Natural Resources R.1310.AS AS Agriculture & Natural Resources 113 Natural Resources Training and Applied Work Experience R.1103.CA CA Agriculture & Natural Resources 115 Networking R.6793.CA CA Business 118 Nursing Assistant Training R.453A.CN CN Health Sciences 128 Office Assistant R.2021.CA CA Business 131 Pest Control Advisor R.1075.CA CA Agriculture & Natural Resources 136 Philosophy R.5710.AA- T AA-T Fine Arts & Social Science 78 Physical Education R.4200.AA AA Health Sciences 133 Physical Science R.6300.AS AS Science 134 Physics R.3664.AS- T AS-T Science 80 Plant and Soil Science R.1070.AS AS Agriculture & Natural Resources 137 Plant Protection Intern R.1076.CA CA Agriculture & Natural Resources 138 Political Science R.7451.AA- T AA-T Fine Arts & Social Science 80 Production Agriculture Technician R.1074.CA CA Agriculture & Natural Resources 139 Psychology R.7550.AA- T AA-T Fine Arts & Social Science 81 Receptionist R.2024.CA CA Business 132 Recreation and Interpretation Techniques R.1104.CA CA Agriculture & Natural Resources 115 Small Business Management R.2030.AS AS Business 97 Small Business Management R.2030.CA CA Business 98 Social Science R.7410.AA AA Fine Arts & Social Science 139 Sociology R.7610.AA- T AA-T Fine Arts & Social Science 81 Spanish R.5550.AA- T AA-T Communication, ESL, & World Languages 82 Studio Arts R.5203.AA- T AA-T Fine Arts & Social Science 70 Welder R.837A.CA CA Industrial Technology 124 Welding Technology R.837A.AS AS Industrial Technology 124 Wildfire Resources Supervisors R.1107.CN CN Agriculture & Natural Resources 115 World Languages R.5501.AA AA Communication, ESL, & World Languages 140 Program Major Code Type Department Page AA-T Associate in Arts in (program) for Transfer Degree AS-T Associate in Science in (program) for Transfer Degree AA Associate in Arts Degree AS Associate in Science Degree CA Certificate of Achievement CC Certificate of Completion C Certificate In