
64 Associate Degree and Certificate Programs 2017-2018 Catalog Program Major Code Type Department Page Communication Studies R.5343.CA CA Composition, Literature, & Reading 101 Computer Animation R.5210.CN CN Fine Arts & Social Science 88 Computer Science R.6920.AS AS Math, Computer Science & Engineering 101 Creative Writing R.5300.CN CN Composition, Literature, & Reading 106 Criminology-Corrections R.888B.AS AS Fine Arts & Social Science 102 Criminology-Corrections R.888B.CA CA Fine Arts & Social Science 102 Criminology-Law Enforcement R.888A.AS AS Fine Arts & Social Science 102 Criminology-Law Enforcement R.888A.CA CA Fine Arts & Social Science 103 Dental Assisting R.4540.AS AS Health Sciences 104 Dental Assisting R.4540.CA CA Health Sciences 104 Dev Services Cert in Life Skills/Community Emphasis R.999A.CN CN Developmental Services 104 Dev Services Cert in Life Skills/Workability Emphasis R.999B.CN CN Developmental Services 105 Early Childhood Education R.5605.AS- T AS-T Health Sciences 72 Early Intervention Assistant R.561R.CA CA Health Sciences 100 Economics R.7200.AA- T AA-T Business 73 Elementary Teacher Education R.5892.AA- T AA-T Health Sciences 74 Engineering R.3010.AS AS Math, Computer Science & Engineering 105 English R.5300.AA AA Composition, Literature, & Reading 106 English R.5301.AA- T AA-T Composition, Literature, & Reading 74 Entry Level Management R.2180.CN CN Business 96 Environmental Horticulture R.1061.AS AS Agriculture & Natural Resources 108 Environmental Horticulture R.1061.CA CA Agriculture & Natural Resources 109 Equine R.1054.CA CA Agriculture & Natural Resources 87 Equipment Technician Level I R.8181.CA CA Agriculture & Natural Resources 125 Equipment Technician Level II R.8182.CA CA Agriculture & Natural Resources 126 Family Child Care R.561S.CA CA Health Sciences 100 Fine Arts R.5320.AA AA Fine Arts & Social Science 109 Flight Science R.8500.AS AS Industrial Technology 110 Flight Science R.8500.CA CA Industrial Technology 110 Forest Surveying Technology R.6830.CA CA Agriculture & Natural Resources 111 Forestry R.1210.AS AS Agriculture & Natural Resources 112 Forestry Technician Firefighting Emphasis R.1105.CA CA Agriculture & Natural Resources 114 Forestry/Natural Resources R.110C.AS AS Agriculture & Natural Resources 113 General Agriculture R.1010.CA CA Agriculture & Natural Resources 85 General Business R.2040.AS AS Business 96 Graphic Design R.5220.CN CN Composition, Literature, & Reading 89 Health Care Interpreter R.4501.CN CN Health Sciences 116 History R.7380.AA- T AA-T Fine Arts & Social Science 75 Hospitality Management R.204B.CN CN Business 97 Human Services R.7420.CA CA Fine Arts & Social Science 116 Information Systems R.6930.CA CA Business 117 Information Systems, Information Technology Support Option R.6950.AS AS Business 117 Information Systems, Networking R.693B.AS AS Business 117 Information Systems, Programming for the Web R.6794.CA CA Business 119 Information Systems, Web Programming and Design Option R.6933.AS AS Business 118 Information Technology Support Technician R.6931.CA CA Business 118 Intermediate Academic and Vocational English as a Second Language R.3020.CC CC Communication, ESL, & World Languages 107 Irrigation, Fertility & Pest Management Technician R.1073.CA CA Agriculture & Natural Resources 136 Journalism R.5350.CN CN Composition, Literature, & Reading 119 Kinesiology R.1270.AA- T AA-T Health Sciences 76 AA-T Associate in Arts in (program) for Transfer Degree AS-T Associate in Science in (program) for Transfer Degree AA Associate in Arts Degree AS Associate in Science Degree CA Certificate of Achievement CC Certificate of Completion C Certificate In