
49 Administrative Policies 2017-2018 Catalog Academic Dishonesty Students at Reedley College are entitled to the best education that the college can make available to them, and they, their instructors, and their fellow students share the responsibility to ensure that this education is honestly attained. Because cheating, plagiarism, and collusion in dishonest activities erode the integrity of the college, each student is expected to exert an entirely honest effort in all academic endeavors. Academic dishonesty in any form is a very serious offense and will incur serious consequences. Cheating Cheating is the act or attempted act of taking an examination or performing an assigned, evaluated task in a fraudulent or deceptive manner, such as having improper access to answers, in an attempt to gain an unearned academic advantage. Cheating may include, but is not limited to, copying from another’s work, supplying one’s work to another, giving or receiving copies of examinations without an instructor’s permission, using or displaying notes or devices inappropriate to the conditions of the examination, allowing someone other than the officially enrolled student to represent the student, or failing to disclose research results completely. Plagiarism Plagiarism is a specific form of cheating: the use of another’s words or ideas without identifying them as such or giving credit to the source. Plagiarismmay include, but is not limited to, failing to provide complete citations and references for all work that draws on the ideas, words, or work of others, failing to identify the contributors to work done in collaboration, submitting duplicate work to be evaluated in different courses without the knowledge and consent of the instructors involved, or failing to observe computer security systems and software copyrights. Incidents of cheating and plagiarismmay result in any of a variety of sanctions and penalties, which may range from a failing grade on the particular examination, paper, project, or assignment in question to a failing grade in the course, at the discretion of the instructor and depending on the severity and frequency of the incidents. Authority and Disciplinary Actions Instructors shall be in charge of their classes and students are under obligation to respect the authority of each instructor. Reedley College seeks to develop responsible, democratic citizenship among the students enrolled. Students are responsible for their conduct. Failure to adhere to the college’s standards will result in disciplinary action. The college reserves the right to exclude at any time a student who violates student conduct standards and/or is not taking proper advantage of the opportunities offered. (See Student Right to Know on page 10). Reedley College reserves the right to exclude at any time a student who, in the judgment of the administration, is not taking proper advantage of the opportunities offered. Student Rights Student rights are protected by federal and state laws, and by policies established by the trustees of the State Center Community College District. It is therefore essential for the protection of students’ rights that procedures be established and followed which would identify violations of student conduct standards and the resolutions of such violations. Students have a right to an oral or written notice (reasons for disciplinary action), an opportunity for a review, and a decision given orally or in writing. For more information contact the Vice President of Student Services’ office. (Board Policy 5520, Administrative Regulation 5520) Removal from Class by Instructor Reedley College’s Student Code of Conduct Policy (Board Policy 5520 and Educational Code 76032) authorizes an instructor to remove a disruptive student from his or her class for the day of the removal and the next class meeting. The instructor shall immediately report the removal to the Vice President of Student Services. During the period of removal, a student shall not be returned to the class from which he or she was removed without the concurrence of the instructor of the class. Grievance Policy for Students Any complaint concerning an alleged unauthorized or unjustified act or decision by any staff member which adversely affects the grades, status, rights, or privileges of a student is the concern of the Reedley College administration. A student should see the following people if the concern is an academic matter: 1. Instructor 2. Dean of Instruction 3. Vice President of Instruction 4. Petition Academic Standards Committee (obtain petition form from Admissions and Records)