
235 Course Descriptions 2017-2018 Catalog Philosophy - Physical Education 6 SYMBOLIC LOGIC 3 units, 3 lecture hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. This course introduces the concepts and methods of modern symbolic logic. Topics include symbolization, syntax, semantics, and natural deduction for sentential and predicate logic. (A, CSU-GE, UC) (C-ID PHIL 210) PHOTOGRAPHY (PHOTO) 1 BASICS OF DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY 3 units, 3 lecture hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125, 126, and Mathematics 201. This introductory course covers the history and development of the camera, photographic process and image. Emphasis is placed on the use of the adjustable digital camera for effective visual communication. Basic color theory and methods for correcting digital images will be covered. Introduction level instruction in using image editing software for manipulating raster graphics is a component in the course. (A, CSU-GE, UC) PHYSICAL EDUCATION (PE) PHYSICAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES Students should seek a wide experience in the various offerings of the department. 1 ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1 unit, 3 lab hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 126. A course designed for students with temporary or permanent physical limitations to improve physical fitness levels through resistance/aerobic training activities using free/ machine weights, dyna-bands, cardio-respiratory equipment, and stretching exercises. The following components of physical fitness may be emphasized based on individual limitations: muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardio-respiratory endurance, flexibility, and body composition. (A, CSU, UC) 2 AEROBICS (DANCE, STEP OR WATER) 1 unit, 3 lab hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. This course is designed to improve cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular endurance and flexibility using a variety of aerobic activities. Exercises include dance, step, or water aerobics. (Swimming skills not required). (A, CSU, UC) 4 BADMINTON 1 unit, 3 lab hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. A course in badminton fundamentals, techniques, and strategies, including both singles and doubles play. (A, CSU, UC) 5 BASKETBALL 1 unit, 3 lab hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. A course in basketball fundamentals, techniques, and strategies, including 1-on-1, 3-on-3, and 5-on-5 basketball. (A, CSU, UC) 5B INTERMEDIATE BASKETBALL 1 unit, 3 lab hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: PE 5 or permission of instructor. PE 5B is an intermediate course in basketball, individual techniques, along with team concepts will be incorporated. Offensive and defensive philosophies and strategies will be examined. To maximize student improvement and mastery, drills will conducted. Specific game “situations” will be covered. (A, CSU, UC) 6 FITNESS AND HEALTH 1 unit, 3 lab hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. This course is designed to improve physical fitness levels through a variety of exercise activities including, but not limited to, recreational activities, strength development, cardio-respiratory development, and improved flexibility. The following components of physical fitness will be emphasized: muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardio- respiratory endurance, flexibility and body composition. It will be organized around these three objectives: safe performance of activity, appropriateness of activity for each individual, and the importance of the activity. (A, CSU, UC)