
231 Course Descriptions 2017-2018 Catalog Nursing Assistant Training - Office Technology NURSING ASSISTANT TRAINING (NAT) 101 NURSING ASSISTANT TRAINING 6 units, 4.67 lecture hours, 6 lab hours ADV ISOR IES : Mat hematic s 250, Of f ice Technology 10, and eligibility for English 125 and 126. The content of the Nursing Assistant Training course includes personal care skills and communication skills with emphasis on caring for the geriatric and rehabilitative resident, for entry level positions. This competency-based course prepares students in core skills needed for more advanced courses in the health care careers and is held both in the classroom and in a community training site. This course prepares the student to be employed in a licensed extended care facility, an intermediate care facility, an acute hospital, a doctor’s office, or clinic. Upon successful completion of this course students are able to take a state mandated test and be approved as a Certified Nursing Assistant by the Department of Health Services. (A) 102 NURSING ASSISTANT THEORY 5.5 units, 5.6 lecture hours ADV ISOR IES : Mat hematic s 250, Of f ice Technology 10, and English 125 and English 126. The content of the Nursing Assistant Training course includes personal care skills and communication skills with emphasis on caring for the geriatric and rehabilitative resident, for entry level positions. This competency-based course prepares students in core skills needed for more advanced courses in the health care careers and is held in the classroom located at the skilled nursing facility. This course prepares the student to be eligible to attend NAT clinical 103. Upon successful completion of this course students are able to practice skills at the bed side during NAT- clinical 103. (A) 103 NURSING ASSISTANT CLINICAL 2 units, 6 lab hours, pass/no pass only PREREQUISITE: Nursing Assistant Training 102. The content of the Nursing Assistant Clinical course includes personal care skills and communication skills with emphasis on caring for the geriatric and rehabilitative resident, for entry level positions. This competency-based course prepares students in core skills needed for more advanced courses in the health care careers and is held in a community training site. This course prepares the student to be employed in a licensed extended care facility, an intermediate care facility, an acute hospital, hospice services agencies, or clinic. Upon successful completion of this course students are able to take a state mandated test and be approved as Certified Nursing Assistant by the Department of Health Services. (A) 104 NURSING MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 3 units, 3 lecture hours COREQUISITES: Nursing Assistant Training 102 and 103. ADVISORIES: English 125 and English 126, or English 128 and 130. This course provides Nursing Assistant students an opportunity to learn medical vocabulary in the field of geriatric nursing care in a long term care facility and patient care in acute hospitals with concentration on prefixes, suffixes, and root words. Emphasis is given to word dissection and definitions as applied to the body systems including the terminology used in examinations, diagnoses, charting, documentation, orders, procedures, laboratory investigations, and medical reports. Students must pass a final definition exam with 95% accuracy in order to pass the course. This course provides Nursing Assistant Training students the terminology required of the field. This course will be taught in conjunction with students enrolled in NAT 102 and NAT 103. (A) OFFICE TECHNOLOGY (OT) 1 COMPUTER BASICS 1.5 units, 1.5 lecture hours, .5 lab hour, pass/ no pass ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126, or 128 and 130. This course provides students with an introduction to basic computer skills for the office worker. It introduces computer hardware and software, including the use of a mouse and a keyboard, as well as an introduction to the windows operating system. Word processing and spreadsheet software will be introduced. Students will access the Internet and perform basic searches. This course is not open to students with credit in Information Systems 15 or 12. (A, CSU) 5 DOCUMENT FORMATTING 1.5 units, 1 lecture hour, 1 lab hour, pass/no pass PREREQUISITES: Office Technology 11A. ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. Using current word processing software, students enrolled in this course will learn how to correctly format business documents. Areas of emphasis are letters, memos, reports, column layout, medical reports, and other frequently used business documents. (A, CSU)