
229 Course Descriptions 2017-2018 Catalog Natural Resources 45 FUELS MANAGEMENT 3 units, 2 lecture hours, 3 lab hours COR EQU I SI TE : Nat u r a l Re s ou rc e s 5. ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. This course provides preparation for employment and advancement within State and Federal wildland fire management agencies. This course will provide students with the knowledge of hazardous fuels mitigation to reduce the damaging effects of wildfires to natural resources and human improvements. Emphasis will be placed on prescribed burning, smoke management mitigations, coordination with silvicultural practices, and wildland-urban interface mitigations. Field trips may be required in this course. (A, CSU) 46 WILDLAND FIRE TECHNOLOGY 3 1 unit, .5 lecture hour, 1.72 lab hours COREQUISITE : Nat u ra l Re sou rc e s 43. ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. This course in concert with Wildland Fire Technology 2 (NR-43), will prepare students for entry level employment as a wildland firefighter with Cal Fire specifically. (A, CSU) 90 BACKPACKING 1 unit, .5 lecture hour, 1.5 lab hours ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. This course is designed to give students basic skills in backcountry travel. Topics covered will include route planning, equipment selection, multiple night travel, trail etiquette, food preparation, campsite selection, basic map reading and compass use, and backcountry safety. Students will gain basic knowledge and experience aimed at increasing their confidence in traveling in the backcountry. Field trip is required for this course. (A, CSU) 91 WILDERNESS NAVIGATION 1 unit, .83 lecture hour, .5 lab hour ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. This course will introduce students to map and compass use, coordinate systems, map symbols, topographic maps, GPS use, and orienteering. Students will gain hands- on experience with GPS and map and compass mountain navigation. Field trips are required in this course. (A, CSU) 92 WILDERNESS SURVIVAL 1 unit, .5 lecture hour, 1.5 lab hours ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. This course will prepare students for travel in wilderness environments and extended outdoor situations with limited equipment. It will include shelter building, fire making, food and water collection, and safety in wilderness settings. Field trips will be required in this course. (A, CSU) 108 INTRODUCTION TO FORESTRY FIELD STUDIES .5 unit, .23 lecture hour, 1 lab hour, pass/no pass only ADVISORIES: English 126. This is a practical field course to introduce the student to the subjects in forestry/natural resources, including fire suppression, fire management, timber harvesting, timber management, outdoor recreation, wildfire and fish management, and forest engineering. Room and board fee required. Taught at the school forest or other field setting. Field trip is required for this course. (A) 109 FORESTRY FIELD STUDIES I .5 unit, .23 lecture hour, 1 lab hour, pass/no pass only ADVISORIES: English 126. This is a practical field course to introduce the student to forest conservation practices including the construction of soil erosion structures. Forest fuels management and timber stand improvement prescriptions will be studied and implemented. Room and board fee required. Taught at the school forest or other natural habitat area. Field trip is required for this course. (A) 110 FORESTRY FIELD STUDIES II .5 unit, .23 lecture hour, 1 lab hour, pass/no pass only ADVISORIES: English 126. This is a field course for the practical application of forest skills in actual field conditions on the school forest. Field problems and work projects may include inventory techniques, plant species identification, population enumeration, conservation techniques, forest construction techniques, and orienteering. Room and board fee required. Taught at school forest or other natural area. Field trip required for this course. (A)