
227 Course Descriptions 2017-2018 Catalog Natural Resources 20 FOREST MEASUREMENTS 3 units, 2 lecture hours, 3 lab hours ADVISORIES: English 125, 126, andMathematics 103. Students will learn about the measurement of timber and growth quantity and quality. Students will study timber inventory systems, cruise design, aerial photographic interpretation, and log scaling. Measurement of natural resources including forest inventory, tree growth, and rangeland resources will be learned. Topics covered may include basic statistical methods, sampling design, log scaling, tree volume calculations, and tree measurement. Students will use forestry equipment such as a Relaskop, scaling stick, wedge prism, and clinometer. Field trips may be required in this course. (A, CSU) 21 FOREST PRODUCTS 3 units, 2 lecture hours, 3 lab hours ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. This course is a technological study of wood manufacturing processes. Operations from contract through harvest, transport, and sawmill will be learned. Students will study safety codes and laws, other forest products and their uses, and new developments will be learned. This course also includes wood and defect identification. Field trips may be required in this course. (A, CSU) 22 FOREST PROTECTION 3 units, 3 lecture hours ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. This course will cover major forest disease and insect problems, with an emphasis on their recognition and management. It will also include wildland fire prevention and management. (A, CSU) 25 FOREST AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1 unit, 1 lecture hour PR ER EQUISITE : Nat u r a l Re sou rc e s 1. ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. This course is designed to be a capstone to the forest/natural resource curriculum. Application of advanced technical skills obtained in previous courses required for graduation will be applied. Emphasis on direct, “on-the- ground” management of a working forest, applying arts, skills, and knowledge in solving practical field problems in a working environment. Emphasis will be on one or more of the following: ecology, engineering, forest regulations, finance, mensuration, protection, recreation, silviculture, supervision, wildlife, social, political, and economic considerations. Field trips may be required this course. (A, CSU) 30 FOREST RECREATION 3 units, 2 lecture hours, 3 lab hours ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. The course prepares students for entry-level duties as a recreation technician. Study topics include water- oriented recreation, winter sports, wilderness management, and administration of recreation contracts. Trail construction skills are emphasized, and include maintenance and use of crosscut saws, rock drills, cable hoists and animal pack stock. Activities include campground planning, soil conservation practices and field trips to public and private recreation facilities. Laboratory will include operation of trucks and tractors to hitch and pull trailers and implements. Field trips may be required in this course. (A, CSU) 31 ANIMAL PACKING 2 units, 1 lecture hour, 3 lab hours, 3 repeats ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. Students will develop skills in packing, driving and riding mules and horses. Students will gain experience in handling, feeding, health care and safety. Students will experience riding, packing and driving under arena and trail conditions. Low impact environmental livestock techniques and wilderness etiquette will be learned. Participation in vocational, collegiate competition. (A, CSU) 32A MUSEUM TECHNIQUES-BEGINNING TAXIDERMY (FORMERLY NR 32) 1 unit, .5 lecture hour, 2.5 lab hours ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 126. This course is an introduction to the art of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of animals (especially vertebrates) for study or display. (A, CSU) 32B MUSEUM TECHNIQUES-INTERMEDIATE TAXIDERMY 1 unit, .5 lecture hour, 2.5 lab hours PREREQUISITE: Natural Resources 32A. ADVISORIES: English 126 or 128. This course is an introduction to intermediate skills in the art of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of animals (especially vertebrates) for study or display. (A, CSU)