
215 Course Descriptions 2017-2018 Catalog Manufacturing Technology - Marketing 81 INTERMEDIATE MACHINE SHOP 4 units, 1.5 lecture hours, 8 lab hours, pass/ no pass PREREQUISITES: Manufacturing Technology 80 or equivalent course or verified work experience in the field. ADVISORIES: English 125, 126, and Mathematics 103. Review of basic shop practices, hand tools, measurement systems, material selection, testing, and cutoff machines. Advanced lathe and milling machine operation and introduction to CNC programming and set up for machining and turning centers. (A, CSU) 82 ADVANCED MACHINE SHOP 4 units, 1.5 lecture hours, 8 lab hours, pass/ no pass PREREQUISITES: Manufacturing Technology 81 or equivalent course or verified work experience in the field. ADVISORIES: English 125, 126, and Mathematics 103. Advanced machine shop practices, lathe, mill and CNC operations. CNC programming for turning and milling operations. Introduction to CAD (Computer Aided Design) and CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing). (A, CSU) 83 MACHINE SHOP CERTIFICATION PREPARATION 1 unit, 3 lab hours, pass/no pass COREQUISITES: Manufacturing Technology 81 (Previous or Concurrent). ADVISORIES: English 125, 126, and Mathematics 103. Machine shop practice leading to industry recognized certification exam. (A, CSU) 91 MOTOR CONTROL 1 2 units, 1.5 lecture hours, 1.5 lab hours, pass/ no pass PREREQUISITES: Manufacturing Technology 23. ADVISORIES: English 125, 126, and Mathematics 103. The study of basic industrial motors and motor control for commercial/manufacturing use. (A, CSU) 92 MOTOR CONTROLS 2 2 units, 1.5 lecture hours, 1.5 lab hours, pass/ no pass PREREQUISITES: Manufacturing Technology 91. ADVISORIES: English 125, 126, and Mathematics 103. The study of intermediate motor controls found in the manufacturing industry and the methods used to diagram, wire, operate, and troubleshoot intermediate motor controls and accessories in a safe manner. (A, CSU) 93 PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (PLCS) 2 units, 1.5 lecture hours, 1.5 lab hours, pass/ no pass PREREQUISITES: Manufacturing Technology 92. ADVISORIES: English 125, 126, andMathematics 103. Study of basic Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) andmethods of installing, configuring, programming, wiring, operating, and troubleshooting basic PLCs. (A, CSU) 94 INTRODUCTION TO SOLAR TECHNOLOGY 2 units, 2 lecture hours, .5 lab hour pass/no pass PREREQUISITES: Manufacturing Technology 93. ADVISORIES: English 125, 126, andMathematics 103. Basic concepts in solar technology including solar system layout and components, tools and techniques used with solar technology and safe practices used around solar installations. (A, CSU) 277 ASSISTANCE IN WELDING . 5-2 units, pass/no pass only .5 unit, 1.5 lab hours; 1 unit, 3 lab hours; 2.5 units, 4.5 lab hours; 2 units, 6 lab hours PREREQUISITES: Industrial Technology 205 or equivalent. COREQUISITES: Manufacturing Technology 60 or equivalent. This course is intended for students requiring help with welding techniques. The course will provide intensive assistance in welding concepts and procedures. Students will develop, improve, and refine welding skills through guided practice in a lab setting. MARKETING (MKTG) 10 MARKETING 3 units, 3 lecture hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125, 126, and Mathematics 201. This class is an introduction to the role of marketing in business, the various philosophies that guide marketing management and the importance of the role of the consumer in the marketing process. Using the skills learned in this course, students will research and write a marketing plan. (A, CSU)