Halli Burton

Every Now and Then

“The first time I set my eyes on the sun
It overwhelmed me with warmth within
The sun’s rays splayed effortlessly across my skin
And I was once again Innocent
But every now and then
My sun’s rays would darken
Scars disguised as somber words had wrapped around my wrists

Dark clouds swelled my vision
And instead of sunshine
It had become a game of the Worthy vs. Imperfection
With every new year comes new fears
And sometimes, my sunshine couldn’t quite soothe my tears
But every now and then
My sunshine peeks above the gloom
And my world begins to slow
Take a deep breath, Smile,
Let it go
Though my sun doesn’t always shine as bright
I can still look back and know 
I broke free from the shadows that hindered my light
And my will, my heart, my choices are mine to own
So every now and then
If the sun shines just a bit on you
Embrace its warmth, smile, and 
Let your heart bloom.”

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